Works by Dawn Nelson Wardrope
It is. Che cosa dunque è Sull’opera di Anna Guillot by Mirella Bentivoglio Anna Guillot, It is (estratti) Per tutte le convergenze semiologiche in essa contenute, e…
L’Inismo: idee e forme nuove dal segno alla parola by Angelo Merante L’evoluzione della poesia, nell’arco di tempo compreso fra la seconda metà dell’Ottocento e oggi, è…
ImmagINI prima e dopo l’INImmaginabile by Angelo Merante Apollinaria Signa,il nostro secondo manifesto, nel prossimo settembre sarà diventato maggiorenne. Intanto, anche molti non inisti si sono accorti…
Entre les mots de villon by Laure Gauthier « Entre les mots de villon » (in : Je neige (entre les mots de villon), LansKine, p. 26-27) Dire les mots…
Je neige by Laure Gauthier Extrait de « je neige (entre les mots de villon) », LansKine 2018, p. 26-27. Voix de villon J’écris toujours dans la neige me…
Kaspar de pierre, statement by Laure Gauthier kaspar de pierre (La lettre volée, 2017) Descriptif kaspar de pierre (La lettre volée, 2017) est un récit poétique…
Kaspar de pierre (estratti) by Laure Gauthier kaspar de pierre (extrait 1), marche Moi qui allais découvrir les nuages et l’écrit à la même seconde, (ce que…
Alexander Pushkin asemic portrait by Lina Stern
Note poésie pulsée by Anna Serra ille canit (pulsae referunt ad sidera valles), Virgile, Eglogues, VI, 151, ds QUEM- DDL t. 7 Il rapporte son chant…
Aux Extrémités by Anna Serra and Olivier Quiqueret
Letters to Priscila Primm and Priscila Faah by Wellington Silva Conheci Priscila Primm e Priscila Faah, num Janeiro de verào quente, em 2012, e de subito, compreendi a…
Statement by Jaka Železnikar My literary practice is not one off the main-stream. I’m interested in combination of poetry and programming, thus in the field of an extended understanding…
Works by Cecelia Chapman and Rafael Gonzalez In Posted, from Club Paradise, Rafael González, in Tenerife, Spain, returned seven postcards I sent to him from Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA. …
Works by Cecelia Chapman 3asemiscapes: when meaning is meaningless, propaganda is meaningless. Asemic and glitch open the door of perception to transform consciousness. Asemic writing, mark-making and drawing…
System in the Madness by Jaap Blonk I grew up in a strict religious family in the Dutch Reformed Church. I rebelled against this at an early…
Sound poems by Jaap Blonk
Works by Jaap Blonk
Polifonia di desiderio. Poesia sonora / Corpo-voce by Vitaldo Conte «La voce umana (…) è una fonte inesauribile di strumenti musicali naturali» M. Rotella Nuovi Segnali: ultimi…
Caffè Italia by Paola Silvia Dolci 1. Ci hanno fatti accomodare e poi non è venuto più nessuno. Quell’atmosfera da mensa di sanatorio in inverno. Sempre un…
Diario medico by Paola Silvia Dolci diario medico, del sonno, tirare la corda fino a farne una frusta, un cappio giorno 1 pos 42°49.24’N 10°45.81’E, vento teso, Libeccio…
Zaoum by Patrice Cazelles
Offender handbook by David Chirot
Visual poems from “Poesia experimental portuguesa” by Fernando Aguiar
Carte fonosimboliche by Giovanni Fontana
Works by Wellington Silva
Works by Wellington Silva and Mark Oliveira
Works by Richard Biddle
Scritture al limone by Oronzo Liuzzi Liuzzi | Scrittura al limone Oronzo Liuzzi – Scritture al limone – processo di scrittura from utsanga magazine on Vimeo.
Zang Tomb Tomb by Federico Federici
Strange writing by Flavio Belli
Poesie visive by Luc Fierens
Asemic by Laura Ortiz
Assemblage by Claudio Parentela
[Asclepius]: construct and interpret these testimonies by Anne Gorrick
Works by Anne Gorrick
Works by Osvaldo Cibils
Zen poems by Francesco Aprile
Soundart by Osvaldo Cibils
Works by Mark Young
Poems by John Bennett
Works by John Bennett
Works by John Bennett and Scott Mac Leod
Works by John Bennett and Osvaldo Cibils
Css poetry declaration / Git poem by Francesco Aprile Git (/ɡɪt/) is a version-control system for tracking changes in computer files and Paracetamol is reported as an ingredient…
Il terzo elemento nell’opera di Vincenzo Lagalla: l’attraversamento by Francesco Aprile 2018-11-18 Dell’opera di Vincenzo Lagalla si possono prendere in considerazione diverse ramificazioni, solo all’apparenza separate, divise e…
Sangre y muerte: mathematical code 2018 by Beppe Piano
Works by Adriana Kobor
Stasis medium by Kathryn Hummel
Anthem by Luke Bradford
Fishing the bank by Craig Svare fishing the bank workworkafterwork fishingfishing fishing the bank fishing the harbor bank of the river to eat fish for supper
Emulating Electronic Hum by Peter Kerr brzrhzbhrzzrhzzrhzrh bhhrzbrrzbrzzzzzzzbz brbzrbrrbrrrrrhzbzbr hzhrzrrhhrzzrbzbhrzz zrbbrrbzbhzrhrrzzzrr zzhzzhzbhhrzbzrzhbrr zrhrzbzzrbzzrzhzhzrb bhhhhhrrzzrrrrrzbzzz rrzzhrzhzhzzzhbhzrzr rhrrbrhzrbzzzhzzrzbr rrhzzrhrzbrrhzrbbzzh zrrbrzrbzrbrzbzbbhzr hbrrrzbbzzrrzzzrhrrr hrzzrbzbzhzzzbrbhrrh hrzzzzzzzrzrrrbrrhrh rrhzbrbhrzbrbrzrrrbr rzbrrrzbzzrbzrzzbbzr brrzzhrrzrzrbrrrhrhz rrzzbzzbzhhzbhrrbzbr zzbbbrbbrhbrhrrzzzbz rrrrhbzzhzzrrbhrhrzr…
Poems by Emmet Malcolm Poems 1 whistle Shadow revered opaque echo then lame pshaw ripples bellow trice ding backwards greatly spacious cramps veer pshaw bubbles swipe bee volley…
Custom Notes Sheet Delineation/Study in Tap Code by Volodymyr Bilyk Custom Notes Sheet Delineation 1 _________________________ _______________ ___________________________________________ _____________________________________ ___ _________________________________ _________________________________________ _________ _______________________________ ___________________________________ _____ ___________________________________________ __________…
Nazca secret song 1, 2, 3 by Alexander Limarev
Asemic writing by Aron Bielish
Vortex: 3 visual poems by József Bíró