Asemic writing: Open call by Francesco Aprile and Nico Vassilakis About asemic writing, open call Article, essay, short essay, statement No deadline Email: redazione [at] utsanga.it The…
Almandrade by Julia Buenaventura (critic and art historian with emphasis Latin America) Septiembre de 2017 Demasiado grande para ser una maqueta y demasiado pequeña para ser un…
CONSIDERAÇÕES SOBRE “O RENEVAL” DE JOSÉ AMANCIO by Giselma dos Santos Torres[1] & Vanessa Biserra Pereira[2] Resumo O presente ensaio analisa a polêmica obra “O Reneval” (2018),…
Futuro arcaico: asemic writing, a short anthology by Emilio Angelini
Eclettica. Le scritture di Franco Panella by Piero Montana Franco Panella è l’artista che ha rivoluzionato l’arte della scrittura asemica, avendo introdotto in essa materiali poveri come la…
“Non ho parole” mostra di Enzo Patti alla libreria La stanza di carta. La scrittura asemica e la sua pluralità by Piero Montana La scrittura asemica è forse…
Viaggio iniziatico (su “Passaggio” di Vincenzo Lagalla) by Viana Conti
Su “Underwood” di Ruggero Maggi (from Asemic open call) by Emma Zanella Nell’opera fondamentale della mitologia greca, la Teogonia di Esiodo, il Caos è la figurazione…
Underwood (from asemic open call) by Ruggero Maggi Ruggero Maggi – Underwood from utsanga magazine on Vimeo.
Nippe, nippe: a report from the land of the peoples of the first light whose language and lands were stolen by Cecelia Chapman ‘Nippe’ is the Wampanoag word…
Theory of Asemic writing (from Asemic open call) by John Bennett
A cassette 2 – 2018 (Part) by Rafael Gonzalez Rafael Gonzalez – A cassette 2 – 2018 (Part) by rafael gonzalez
Poesie visive e concrete, scritture asemantiche by Enzo Campi
Poesie (per Adriano Spatola e Corrado Costa) by Enzo Campi è fucile di granito che sputa proiettili di pietra (una poesia per Adriano Spatola) La prima versione risale…
Systema virus by Giovanni Fontana Olea / O / alea / perché / idea subito spenta / ché senti quali le grida a pochi passi / e…
Tellurgia. Poesie visive by Giovanni Fontana
Omaggio a Stelio Maria Martini by Eugenio Lucrezi Eugenio Lucrezi – Omaggio a Stelio Maria Martini by Eugenio Lucrezi, Stelio Maria Martini
Npa by Piotr Szreniawski The book used as a material in this project was written 11 years ago and published as a handbook for my series of…
Mesmerized I & II by Daniel Barbiero Daniel Barbiero – Mesmerized by daniel barbiero
Mesmerized I & II by Daniel Barbiero and Randee Silv
Nvidia’s Deep-Learning Graphics Processing Unit Trained on L’Automate de Maillardet_LKY by Logan K. Young You know, the war the House of McLuhan started stroking never really ran cold….
Immortalità. Poesie visive by Antonino Bove
Usageaster Naps by Donato Mancini and Eli Bornowsky “These collaborations with the painter Eli Bornowsky are the first full-colour pieces made using Octothorpe, an alphabet and font…
Asemic writing by Jarrah Goodwill
Works: A short anthology by Aaron Marcus
The hands that sketch by Wellington Amancio
Dois poemas by Leo Barth-Simeão I- A chama ardente Da alma Da lama Que consome os dedos fortes que digitam E garganta de quem grita Kiai Renascimento…
6 poemas by Rolando Augusto alvéolos ínferos obra sucata de coração imprudente fez aquele não permitindo entre corpo e linguagem sinal de menor cópula pensou…
Notes on verse by Gonçalvo Astribeira by Wellington Amancio da Silva [Study of the transient and without-delay objects, of the verbal and winged existences, that only certain…
“quatro poemas” by Lorenzo Jesus carnaval um bom poema deve atravessar cabeças como o desfile de uma campeã (escola de samba) o poema precisa ser entendido também…
homem de botas senhor das dores by Leo Barth-Simeão homem de botas senhor das dores Em seu chapéu uma gota de sangue de qualquer cruz humana Senta…
Writing set aside by Anna Boschi
Asemic calligraphy series by Lina Stern
Helena con latas by Osvaldo Cibils Artista: osvaldo cibils Título: Helena con latas Helena con latas 37 textos versión para acción sonora ruidosa con texto a voz [es-ES…
Visual poems by Texas Fontanella and John Bennett
Editing: Words on words by May Bery
Scritture, gesti, materia: Asemic writing by Franco Panella
Gris Orage: Visual poems by Hiromi Suzuki
Asemic writing by Jeff Bagato
CodablockF cyberpunk poetry by Volodymyr Bilyk
Poems by Volodymyr Bilyk THRUST vee-vee-vee VA a ********** a ********** a STOP a STOP a STOP ROUGH BREAK a STOP a STOP a…
The perturbation of the Chin in the Shackles of the Markov Chains by Volodymyr Bilyk 1 Bee Bleep muzzle: – screaming along in dismay, square…
Reinfo: Visual poems by David Chirot
the / mouth of / the wild beast by Mark Young الْحَمْرَاء, Al-Ḥamrā’— literally “the red one” — is a streamlined package specifically designed to maximize your…
Compro dunque sono by Oronzo Liuzzi
Ohhh! Visual poem by Jòzsef Bìrò