Il diritto e il rovescio della poesia visiva in Italia by Adriano Accattino e Lorena Giuranna La poesia visiva è il risultato dell’interagire delle figure e delle scritture…
El Punto Ciego. HISTORIA DE LA POESÍA VISUAL ARGENTINA Final de siglo ¿y de la modernidad? by César Horacio Espinosa V. http://revista.escaner.cl/node/7909 Este es un…
30 años de las Bienales Internacionales de Poesía Visual-Experimental en México by César Horacio Espinosa V. Ciudad de México, octubre 16, 2015 La pretensión de editar…
El Presente de la Poesía Concreta by Clemente Padín En Diciembre de 1956 comienzan las históricas exposiciones de Arte Concreto en el Brasil dando comienzo a uno de…
Two works by Dona Mayoora
Works by Clemente Padin
VISUALIZAÇÃO DO POEMA – A RADICALIDADE DA LINGUAGUEM by Almandrade Andrade (Artista Plástico, Poeta, Arquiteto, e Professor de História da Arte) (texto escrito em 1976 e revisto…
Works by Almandrade Andrade
Sei partiture by Giovanni Fontana
Poesie visive/Progetti inconsci by Anna Boschi Progetti inconsci
Parcel poetry – poesia del pacco by Anna Boschi
Carte assorbenti by Anna Boschi
Serbian Performance – Selection Ten by Nenad Bogdanovic Art scene in former Yugoslavia was well integrated in the flows of contemporary European movements and, at it’s time…
Chronology of Nenad Bogdanovic’s mail-art actions, projects and exhibitions by Nenad Bogdanovic 1981: “Finish the stamp”, international mail-art project (in collaboration with 55 artists from…
Works and performances by Nenad Bogdanovic
Italian performance art by Patrizio Peterlini Fontana G.-Frangione N.-Rossini R. (a cura di), Italian Performance Art, Genova, Sagep Editori, 2015, pp. 384, italiano/inglese A fronte di un forte…
Estratti da Entropia del fuoco by Francesco Aprile Francesco Aprile, Entropia del fuoco, Corato, Eureka Edizioni, 2016 Entropia del fuoco vuole essere un secondo capitolo di un percorso…
Francesco Aprile, Entropia del fuoco, Corato, Eureka Edizioni, 2016 by Cristiano Caggiula Si lascino posare gli animi, riposare le membra e respirare il cuore. Si permetta una notazione,…
From “Mange Monde” by Demosthenes Agrafiotis
Chord progression by Paul Hunt
Three works by Uros Lazic
Five works by Shane Drinkwater
Short Anthology by Mado Reznik
Asemic by Moan Lisa
Scritture sbagliate by Francesco Aprile
Asemic by Aure Gallego
Asemic by Lucinda Sherlock
Three works by Brent Nathan Bechtel
Uselessnotes by Axel Calatayud
Poetry is a gun by Giovanni Fontana
Lista di proscrizione by Ugo Piscopo
Inediti 2013 −2016 by Eugenio Lucrezi Per specula Da dove vieni, fratello nella nebbia, figlio dell’indistinto, generato, al tempo della vita capovolta, da famigli spasmodici, impegnati in una…
Tre poesie by Carlo Bordini Pizarnik Quello che mi attira in te è la tua mancanza di speranza, O meglio il riporre la speranza in un…
On asemic texts by Ivan Pope Any text is an intertext, other texts are present in it, at varying levels, in more or less recognisable forms: the…
Asemic writing and asemic photography by Ivan Pope Asemic writing Asemic photography
Two works by Volodymyr Bilyk
Two erasure sound poems by Mothra Sheumann
Measuring tape by Bruno Neiva
Poems by John Bennett
Five works by John Bennett
Nine works by George J. Farrah
Asemic by Gwhiz Monet
Three works by Laura Ortiz
Two works by Michael Basinski-Ginny O’Brien
Exegesis of silver by Sam Roderick
Three works by József Bíró
Three works by Mary-Joan Bono
Found page defamiliarized by Mykhas Barylo “I was working on an article about ukrainian baroque art – still haven’t finished it, but who cares, even i dont care….
Clouds by Ihor Khmelnyk
Works by David Felix
Works by Arhyp Dudko
QR-Poems by Agam Andreas
The magic spiral by Maria Luigia Gioffrè A mathematical reading of the asemic work ESSE by Cristiano Caggiula through a deliberate adaptation of the correspondence with the professor…