

AA.VV. | La Voix Liberée (Fondazione Bonotto)

AA.VV. , La Voix Liberée (Fondazione Bonotto)   Materiali sonori dell’archivio della Fondazione Bonotto, estratti dalla mostra “La Voix Liberée” a cura di Eric Mangion e Patrizio Peterlini…

Aprile | Poesia sonora: La Voix Liberée, così sia

Poesia sonora: La Voix Liberée, così sia by Francesco Aprile Inaugurata il 21 marzo, giornata mondiale della poesia, e visitabile fino al 12 maggio presso il Palais de…

Fowler | Intervista a Tim Gaze

Intervista a Tim Gaze by Steven J. Fowler   1 considering the variety of styles in Selected Scribbling and Scrawling, do you create in waves of similar work?…

Nelson | One word poems are the quantum heart of language

One word poems are the quantum heart of language by Stephen Nelson   One word poems are the quantum heart of language. Every syllable, every letter counts. A…

Chirot | Concrete anarkeology

Concrete anarkeology by David Chirot    

Gaze | Sound poems

Sound poems by Tim Gaze  

Sokolin | Statement

Statement by Alexey Sokolin   Biography Lex Sokolin is a London-based digital artist, designer and entrepreneur. Raised in the cityscapes of Moscow and New York, he is interested…

Sokolin | Glitch: A short anthology

Glitch: A short anthology by Alexey Sokolin    

Zeltil | Inadequacy of spatial fixation in a dynamic landscape inhabited

inadequacy of spatial fixation in a dynamic landscape inhabited by people who have more urgent concerns than their representation in another system by Yigru Zeltil On behalf of…

Stera-Baur | Variations Artaud – I. Sur «Le Jugement De Dieu»

Variations Artaud – I. Sur «Le Jugement De Dieu» by Gabriele Stera and Franziska Baur        

Laika Facsimile | Pure sana vana dite

Pure sana vana dite by Laika facsimile  

Valentonis | Template / Whitch (poems)

Template / Whitch (poems) by Yrik Max Valentonis  

Ganick-Winborn | Dodici scritture asemantiche e una dichiarazione di poetica

Dodici scritture asemantiche e una dichiarazione di poetica by Peter Ganick and Nicola Winborn   I contacted Nicola Winborn suggesting we collaborate on some artwork. We agreed to…

Silva | A primeira letra (visual poems)

A primeira letra (visual poems) by Wellington Amancio Da Silva  

Barth-Silva | Sujeira nos pratos (poem)

Sujeira nos pratos (poem) by Leo Barth and Wellington Amancio da Silva   Leo Barth – Poema Wellington Amancio da Silva — Imagens Sujeira nos pratos Ultrapassando o…

Rodrigues-Amancio da Silva | Oh, baby

Oh, baby by Leonardo Rodrigues and Wellington Amancio da Silva   Oh baby, não se mate hoje. Não é um bom dia para morrer. Sempre quis ter um…

Silva-Sávia | Vereda 26 (2019): scritture e introduzione

Vereda 26 (2019): scritture e introduzione by Ana Sávia and Wellington Silva   Ana Sávia — Ilustrations and drawings Wellington Amancio da Silva — Text   Dá a…

Paul No | 12 Glitch poems fra poesia visiva e concreta

12 Glitch poems fra poesia visiva e concreta by Douglas Paul no      

Chapman | Wampum &Memory, Vacation &Consciousness

Drawings of Broken Quahog Clam Shells: Wampum &Memory, Vacation &Consciousness by Cecelia Chapman   Cape Cod, where I am living, is a premier vacation destination. It is ringed…

Agrafiotis | “Da-Da-Da” from work “DART/DART” 2018

“Da-Da-Da” from work “DART/DART” 2018 by Demostene Agrafiotis    

Gonzalez-Jackson Park | Sei scritture asemantiche

Sei scritture asemantiche by Rafael Gonzalez and Thomas Jackson Park      

Causic | Dieci scritture fra libro d’artista e poesia visiva

Dieci scritture fra libro d’artista e poesia visiva by Mario Causic    

Appel | Pressure: five asemic poems (2018)

Pressure: five asemic poems by Rosaire Appel

Giraudon | Bloody-mary (poems)

Bloody-mary (poems) by Liliane Giraudon   Médée par amour pour Jason tue son propre frère Jason tombe amoureux de la fille de Créon Les traditions diverses précèdent Euripide…

Kulemin | Three works: asemic and visual poetry

Three works: asemic and visual poetry by Edward Kulemin  

Topel | Works: visual and concrete poems

Works: visual and concrete poems by Andrew Topel  

Chirot | Wreck: asemic, concrete, vispo. Some poems

Wreck: asemic, concrete, vispo. Some poems by David Chirot  

Chirot | Works: asemic, concrete, vispo. Some poems

Works: asemic, concrete, vispo. Some poems by David Chirot      

Bilyk | eenrolls sogdoa peyee oeaoo oeothee

eenrolls sogdoa peyee oeaoo oeothee by Volodymyr Bilyk   Note: the piece is in medias res retelling of the passionate feeling that went through the theseus ship treatment…

De Pietro | Audiologia (poesie)

Audiologia (poesie) by Giampaolo De Pietro Tutte le volte che sono qui, sono collegate. Dalla memoria di luogo, di situazione. Filo corpo dei suoni. Dietro, gli stessi crateri,…

Piano | Mathematical code: mare meum

Mathematical code: mare meum by Giuseppe Piano  

Bennett | Visual poems

Visual poems by John Bennett

Bennett | Poems

Poems by John Bennett    

Liuzzi | Scrittura non contaminata

Scrittura non contaminata by Oronzo Liuzzi Caro Francesco, invio le foto delle mie utilme opere dal tolo: “Scrittura non contaminata”. La tecnica è sempre la stessa: succo di…

Conte | Corpo-Scritture di Desiderio (1982-2018)

Corpo-Scritture di Desiderio (1982-2018) by Vitaldo Conte

Moio | Intervista a Stefano Taccone

Intervista a Stefano Taccone by Giorgio Moio   Che in Italia la narrativa viva un’esistenza abbastanza in salute, ci viene confermato anche dall’esordio narrativo dello storico dell’arte contemporanea…

Moio | Poesie visive

Poesie visive by Giorgio Moio

Bagato | Asemic

Asemic  by Jeff Bagato  

Goodman | Asemic

Asemic by Hananya Goodman

Schmaltz-Ring | Surfaces

Surfaces by Eric Schmaltz and Graeme Ring

Bíró | Visual poems

Visual poems by József Bíró

Isett | Works

Works by Brian Isett

Young | Poems

Poems by Mark Young the Knitting Central Sock Club   The disarray was as I had remembered it. Cables everywhere, a mottled black bag as stand-in for the…