Chronology of Nenad Bogdanovic’s mail-art actions, projects and exhibitions
by Nenad Bogdanovic




“Finish the stamp”, international mail-art project (in collaboration with 55 artists from all over the world).
Selfportrait, drawing by Nenad Bogdanovic from 1979, made in shape of mail stamp with Nenad`s date of birth in the bottom. Next to the year of birth was an empty space for the participants to make an intervention, stamp the letter or postcard with this stamp and return to Nenad. Artists made their interventions in various modes: writing, drawing, painting, collages and conceptual interventions.

“Book – consignment”, mail-art action with book – object (in post-office Odzaci, Yugoslavia).
The book, whose pages were all glued together, Bogdanovic stamped with necessary stamps and sent to his address.

“The Cyclus of mail – art consignments”, mail-art action with stamps and postcards (in collaboration with seven artists from old Yugoslavia).
In this art action Nenad stamped letters with already used stamps, xerox copies of the stamps and foreign stamps and, with colaboration of seven artists from former Yugoslavia, sent those letters to his address.


“Yu Telegram Art”, mail-art project and exhibition (in collaboration with 32 artists from Ex-Yugoslavia).
In certain time period, invited by Nenad Bogdanovic, 32 artists from all parts of former Yugoslavia sent their messages to Nenad by telegraph.

“39th Telegram”, mail-art performance (in collaboration with postman from Odzaci)
An exhibition “Yu Telegram Art” is opened with execution of mail-art performance of 39th Telegram by Nenad Bogdanovic.

At the beggining of 1984. Nenad Bogdanovic started publishing international mail-art magazine “Total”. By the end of 1988. 17 issues were published.

In 1984. Nenad Bogdanovic started publishing mail-art fanzin “Second Manifesto”. Last, fourth, issue was published during 1986.



“Imprimes”, international mail-art exhibition (in collaboration with 128 artists from 27 countries).
This exhibition was composed from contributions of 128 mail-art artistis on subject of “printed matter”. Artists exhibited their interventions on printed materials (scetches, drawings, collages etc) such as catalogues, books, stamps, art stamps, etc.


1986 / 87:

“The Music in Visual Art”, mail-art project and exhibition (in collaboration with 203 artists from all over the world).
Nenad Bogdanovic sent pages with prepared musical notes system to international artists in order for them to make interventions on subject of music and return them to him.
Total setup of this exhibition is in property of Staatliches Museum Schwerin, Germany.

“Happy New Year”, international mail-art exhibition (in collaboration with 200 artists from 33 countries).
Project started in autumn of 1986. Participants sent their works up to the New Years Eve (deadline) with subject of happyness and wishes for the new year. Exhibition was held in City library of Odzaci during Spring of 1987.

The Canadian Correspondence Art Gallery (CCAG, Calgary, Alberta) presented TOTAL an exhibition in celebration of the tenth edition of the Yugoslavian mail-art magazine Total, organized by Nenad Bogdanovic from February 11 to March 1, 1987.


1987 / 88:

“Toilet Gallery”, mail-art project and exhibition (in collaboration more then 100 artists from all over the world).
Exhibition took place in December of 1988 in Networking Space, Nishinomiya, Japan.
This setup is property of Nishinomiya Art Space in Japan.


“Decentralized World Wide Networker Congress: Network Congress in Baranja” February 29, 1992 & March 1, 1992 in Baranjsko Petrovo Selo, former Yugoslavia (now Republic of Croatia).
Participants: Nenad Bogdanovic, Sandor Gogoljak and Aleksandar Jovanovic.
Theme of the congress: The war in Yugoslavia and network authors. Network Congress in Baranjsko Petrovo Selo is not planned by participants of a congress.
It is not also planned to make the congress during the war or on any of battle fields.
This Network Congress took place under the unpleasant war circumstances in which participants of this session were unwillingly drafted soldiers. Participants of this “Network Congress in Baranja” are, in the first place, against the war but for a true art. They are against policy of destruction but for a creative victory. We, as the authors who work for a long time in a network, want this world opened – without frontiers, ideologies, nationalisms and other things which make people apart.


“Decentralized World Wide Networker Congress: Make Art – Not Politics”, 18.08.1992. in Odzaci, Yugoslavia.
Nenad Bogdanovic organised in the back yard of his house in Odzaci
Decentralized World Wide Networker Congress. Participants were: Aleksandar Jovanovic, Dobrica Kamperelic, Ratko A. Radanovic, Jaroslav Supek, Andrej Tisma and Nenad Bogdanovic. Theme of this congress was “Make art – not politics”. Participants made separate performances and art actions and entire event was filmed by TV Novi Sad within one hour show.
After the congres a congresional fanzine was published holding photos and documentation of the congress.


“Decentralized World Wide Networker Congress: Make Art – Not Politics, part II”, 21.11.1992. in Networker Hotel, Odzaci, Yugoslavia.
In his house, promoted to Networker hotel by the project of H.R. Fricker, Nenad Bogdanovic organised congress “Make art – not politics, part two”. Participants were Angela Pahler and Peter Kustermann from Germany and Yugoslavian artists Nenad Bogdanovic, Sandor Gogoljak, Aleksandar Jovanovic and Jaroslav Supek. Within this meeting artists made several performances documented in congressional fanzine published by Nenad Bogdanovic.

“Vent to Earth – stamp”, performance (back yard of N. Bogdanovic`s house, Odzaci, Yugoslavia).
Bogdanovic made this mail-art performance on 18.08.1992. within the first Decentralised congress in Odzaci. On the ground platted with bricks he had drawn a stamp in white colour. Then he had dug up a hole 50 cm deep and 40cm x 40cm wide.


“Post restant art”, mail-art performance (Sremski Karlovci,Yugoslavia).
Mail-art peformans “Post restant art” Nenad Bogdanovic realised on septembra 2nd.
1992. within World-Wide Decentralized Networker Congress – Anti-Embargo Net Congress in Sremski Karlovci, Yugoslavia. Bogdanovic wrote anti-embargo statements, placed them into envelopes and shared to other artists and participants.


“Vent to Earth – postcard”, mail-art performance (Sremski Karlovci, Yugoslavia).
This mail-art performance was made by Bogdanovic on September 3rd 1992 on Anti- Embargo Net Congress in Sremski Karlovci, Yugoslavia. Bogdanovic drew large postcard in city park of Sremski Karlovci, on the lawn and dug up a hole 50 cm deep and 50cm x 50cm wide.



“Man Gallery Nenad Bogdanovic – Cavellini’s Mail Art”, mail-art performance (“Pagi – Foto”, Odzaci, Yugoslavia).
With this performance started „Man Gallery“ project by Nenad Bogdanovic. Performance was made in memoriam of Italian mail-artist Cavellini. In Nenad`s hands were books and on his white jacket were stamps, stickers, batches and other artworks sent to him by G.A. Cavellini.


“Man Gallery Nenad Bogdanovic – xerox art”, performance (Happy Gallery, Students Cultural Centre, Belgrade, Yugoslavia).
This performance was preceded by mail-art action by 23 artists from 9 countries. Participants sent their xerox art and Nenad had exhibited those works on his body gallery during the performance.


“Man Gallery Nenad Bogdanovic – exhibition by air-mail”, performance (Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade, Yugoslavia).
At performance in Museum of Contemporary Art Nenad Bogdanovic took off the signs air-mail from the envelopes of participants “Exhibition by Air-Mail” (22 artists and very famous artists Christo and Carl Andre from USA) and put them on the map of Yugoslavia on his body-gallery.



“Man Gallery Nenad Bogdanovic – Art Borders”, performance (The Town Museum, Senta, Yugoslavia).

Borders were very actuall on these parts of the world and so was the subject of this mail-art project selected. On a large white canvas set on his body-gallery Nenad drew borders of former Yugoslavia and placed works sent by 14 artists from 9 countries along the borders.


“Man Gallery Nenad Bogdanovic – Reading of The Mail-Art Books”, performance Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade, Yugoslavia).

Art action “Reading of The Mail-Art Books” by Nenad Bogdanovic in Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade, at opening of the exhibition “Yugoslav Mail Art”.


“Man Gallery Nenad Bogdanovic – Rubber Stamps”, performance (“Golden Eye” Gallery, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia).
Performance “Man Gallery – Rubber stamps” by Nenad Bogdanovic, during presentation of anti-embargo magazine “Cage”, performed January 26th 1994. in “Golden Eye” Gallery, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia. 20 participants sent their rubber stamps. Audience participated by making imprints of these stamps on body-gallery Nenad Bogdanovic.