Poesia visivaPagina 3 di 5
A short anthology by Feliciano De Mira
He laugheth at his foes by Leonard Zinovyev
Works by Stephanie Krawehl
Partiture by Carmine Lubrano
Works by Anna Boschi
Works by Jeff Bagato
Works by Jonathan Minton, Jeff Crouch, Diana Magallón
Works by John Bennett and Texas Fontanella
Visual poems by John Bennett
Poesie visive by Giorgio Moio
domaine des infrastructures touristiques by Rachel Defay-Liautard
La « soirée finale » du Grand dépotoir by Julien Blaine
Crossing Borders by GAP (AA.VV., Global Artist Project)
Poesie visive by Franco Falasca
Impaginazioni by Marilena Cataldini
Poetry on line, on live, on love by Ruggero Maggi
Works by Diane Keys & John M. Bennett
Vispo by John Bennett and Tom Cassidy
Vispo by John Bennett
Works by Dona Mayoora and Kristine Snodgrass
In corpore sano by Luc Fierens
Works by József Bíró
Omaggio a JEAN COCTEAU by Anna Boschi
siete discos rayados by Osvaldo Cibils
Works by Jim Leftwich and Jeff Crouch
Trash vispo by Jeff Bagato
La poesia visiva come arte plurisensoriale by Francesco Aprile Al di là della semplice interazione fra parola e immagine, i territori della poesia visiva affrontano da…
Poesie visive by Giorgio Moio
Aguiar art action by Fernando Aguiar AGUIAR ART ACTION #3.1 Retomando um projeto de Guglielmo Achille Cavellini que nos anos 70 realizava “MOSTRE A DOMICILIO”, e dando…
FluxPoetry by Ruggero Maggi
A short anthology by Kiyomitsu Saito
Works by Demosthenes Agrafiotis
Visual poems by John Bennett
Four works by Jim Leftwich, John Bennett, Texas Fontanella
The book is on the table by Angelo Ricciardi
Poesie visive by Ruggero Maggi
Nuove partiture by Carmine Lubrano
Works by Judith Pauly-Bender
Works by Tucker Sampson
Works by John Bennett and Osvaldo Cibils
Poesiamo la storia by Oronzo Liuzzi
Visual poem by József Bíró
Struction. Antologia (a cura di F. Aprile, contributi di Marullo, De Tommasi, Caggiula, Giovenale, Burst, Rober, Nelson, Raymond-Stempowska, Chapman, Železnikar, Laval) Il segno dissolve la sua realtà…
Works by John Bennett and Texas Fontanella
Poesie visive e concrete, scritture asemantiche by Enzo Campi
Tellurgia. Poesie visive by Giovanni Fontana
Immortalità. Poesie visive by Antonino Bove
Works: A short anthology by Aaron Marcus
The hands that sketch by Wellington Amancio
Visual poems by Texas Fontanella and John Bennett
Gris Orage: Visual poems by Hiromi Suzuki
Reinfo: Visual poems by David Chirot
Compro dunque sono by Oronzo Liuzzi
Ohhh! Visual poem by Jòzsef Bìrò
Cinque risposte a Francesco Aprile by Giovanni Fontana Come inizia il tuo percorso nella poesia sonora? Come ho avuto modo di raccontare in altre occasioni,…
Immagini dall’Archivio Ugo Carrega by Ugo Carrega (Archivio Ugo Carrega – Fondazione Berardelli) La Fondazione Berardelli ha il piacere di comunicare che in data 17/12/2018, per espressa…
Tre poesie visive per Nanni Balestrini by Carmine Lubrano
Stampoems dedicated to Scott Helmes by Andrew Topel
Correspondences: six works by Niniji Chen and Rafael Gonzalez
Works by Tomàs Aversa
Works by Chuck Welch
Two visual poems by John Bennett
Poesie visive by Giorgio Moio
Collage about the author: four works by Buzz Spector
Quattro motivi attorno a un simbolo by Giuseppe Calandriello
Visual poem by József Bíró
from Surface Tension and the Blank Page by Nico Vassilakis
Works by David Kjellin
Works by David Chirot
Opere verbovisive by Anna Boschi
notes from recently by Chris Turnbull
Visual poems by John Bennett
Visual poems by John Bennett and Tom Cassidy
Nota su “A few poetry. Nietzsche’s brolly” di Gustave Morin by Francesco Aprile Gustave Morin, canadese, poeta, poeta visivo, performer, agitatore. “A few poetry. Nietzsche’s brolly” è…
Visual poems: five works by Jeff Bagato I discovered these images while “reading” newsprint sources using cellophane tape, collecting ink residue in a kind of analog sampling…