by Ronald Lubega


My name is Ronald Lubega (@danteatype on Instagram), am twenty years old , born in Uganda and raised in an orphanage on the shores of Lake Victora. 

My works come from deep inside my heart, they tell a story about my  life and what I have passed through to stay alive until today. I didn’t go to any design school, I taught myself because I wanted to communicate to people and there are no design schools in Uganda that teach typography and I want to get a better life for me and my sister away from the pain . This goes way back until now when I was still a kid, I face difficulties with expressing myself due to the effects of growing up as an orphan in Uganda.

I started doing typography ten months back on an old dell computer that I am still using until now, I love it although it slows me down and limits me also. After watching some videos on Youtube on the channel called thefutur by Chris Do, I started doing a daily challenge where I post at least a design everyday. When I met 46pgs Magazine on instagram, I  started to believe in myself and love myself even more . This has helped me to get better every day. As you notice that I always design in black and white with white as my background color, this is because I am afraid of the darkness or dark energy in general.