Poesia concretaPagina 1 di 2
Works (II) by Michael Betancourt
Works (I) by Michael Betancourt
Works by Demosthenes Agrafiotis
Essence of the visible by Almandrade Andrade How to talk about art without questioning the improvised relationship between see and say? My speech doesn’t exclude the possibility…
Concretism. A poem by Alain Arias-Misson
Concrete surface by Alain Arias-Misson
can by Giovanni Fontana
Nextone by Nico Vassilakis
Opere (1970) by Alfonso Lentini
Works by Ankie Van Dijk
Opere verbovisive by Eugenio Lucrezi
Cambriolage Campaign by Volodymyr Bilyk
Asian visual novel by Richard Kostelanetz SIXTEEN CHAPTERS: A Typographic Novel Richard Kostelanetz [begin each new chapter on a recto. Consider a Contents page with: Helvetica 36…
Works by Stephen Nelson
Works by Jasper Glen
Works by Tchello d’Barros
Works by Mario José Cervantes
Belloli precursore della poesia visuale e concreta conversazione con Carlo Belloli a cura di Anna Guillot Milano, 1997 ISISUF “Il testo-poema di Belloli anticipa quel linguaggio di parole-segnali…
Anna Guillot. Scritture come sismografie policrome by Carlo Belloli i cartemi di anna guillot sono esercizi poematici dove all’elemento verbale si sostituiscono il principio dell’immagine e la…
Opera per i 10 anni di utsanga by Fernando De Filippi
Antologia minima by Gian Paolo Roffi Due parole di presentazione. Gian Paolo Roffi In questa “Antologia Minima” sono raccolti quattro originali che rappresentano alcuni dei principali…
Works by Michael Betancourt
Work by Nico Vassilakis I’m saying it now, no words, no sequence of letters, nothing will be uttered or conveyed in recognizable forms. Staring is a primitive…
Mirth trench by Nico Vassilakis
THESE GEM EFFLUVIA (RedFox Press, 2024) by Nico Vassilakis
La poesia concreta di Beppe Piano by Annie Brechler Beppe Piano, artista poliedrico ed avanguardistico, si propone di investigare il linguaggio inteso come simbolo sociale. Una simbologia,…
Concrete poetry by Beppe Piano
Works by Dona Mayoora
Works by Carla Cummings
Works by Annalise Kristensen
Works by Angela Caporaso
Grammascritto by Oronzo Liuzzi
Works by Diktgymnasiet
“Com mamas na língua” – Os sabores do erotismo na poesia by Vinni Corrêa Os sabores do erotismo na poesia de Jorge Amado a Isabel Allende, um…
Words by Leah Singer
on vne sauv by Stefano Balice
Works by Michael Orr
3 works on fabric by Cecelia Chapman 35-
Works by Stephen Nelson
Works by Djavam Damasceno
Fifteen by Nico Vassilakis
Works by Alina Applauso
Works by Thomas Seto
Poems by Rosa Gravino
Tyopgraphic Portraits by Richard Kostelanetz
NUMERICAL NARRATIVES by Richard Kostelanetz
ALPHABET DIALOGUES by Richard Kostelanetz
ALMANDRADE : 50 anos de arte Cinquenta anos de produção ininterrupta de um artista é uma oportunidade de avaliar sua trajetória, em se tratando de Almandrade, pioneiro da…
typoems by Michael Betancourt
Works by Ronald Lubega My name is Ronald Lubega (@danteatype on Instagram), am twenty years old , born in Uganda and raised in an orphanage on the…
Works by Julia Rende
CirvcularNarrative by Richard Kostelanetz
Knowing My Name (part) by Richard Kostelanetz FarEast BushWick 11385-5751 Archae Editions 2021 In memory of Stéphane Mallarmé (1842-1898) For nearly decades now, I’ve made an interest, perhaps…
Poems by Mario José Cervantes
Hyperion (Utsanga award – 2021) by Jonathan Mulcahy – Emma Kearney
Decays series (Utsanga award – 2021) by Andrew Topel
Seeing Seeing (Utsanga award – 2021) by Nico Vassilakis
Works by Angela Caporaso
Works by Costantino Turchi
Octodoc Donato Mancini – Horn
Box alphabet by Paul Hertz
Je prends ma bagnole by Jeff Nimp je prends ma bagnole je prends ma bagnole, je gueule ou parle en enregistrant sur mon téléphone portable. c’est…
Works by Sean Cearley
how we gathered ghost-like the real wake of our intention by Andrew Brenza
Nuovo stellario by Antonio Francesco Perozzi Nuovo Stellario (costellazioni asemiche su pietra, 2021) Il più antico testo è l’emisfero celeste. L’interpretazione del cielo è una scrittura. L’asemico…
Vispo by Bill DiMichele La redazione di Utsanga rende omaggio al poeta Bill DiMichele, alla sua attenta ricerca, alla sua generosità. Per questo ricordo…
A Note on ‘Typoetry’ by Michael Betancourt Typoetry is a portmanteau word made from the combination of “typography” and “poetry,” but also evokes the…
Works by J.I. Kleinberg
Works by Michelle King
Works by Dawn Nelson Wardrope
PLEiN DE O by Julien Blaine Pieno di “O”* o il mio fondo di una casseruola bollente posto su un tappetino di plastica = una…
Credible verbs (Archae Editions 2020) by Clarence Barlow & Richard Kostelanetz Preface: Over four decades ago Charles Dodge produced a tape of computer-assisted music titled…
Gravity-less texts by Ian Pfeuhl
Worksby Volodymyr Bilyk