Asemic writingPagina 2 di 5
SEAT OF POWER by Cecelia Chapman and Jeff Crouch Jeff Crouch sent me his asemic drawings from Texas. Meanwhile, I found a weathered stool I liked very…
Poem by Oronzo Liuzzi
Works by Anna Boschi
Works by Gianluca Garrapa
Works by Ilyas Kassam
Works by Andrea Alzati
Dao by Cecelia Chapman
乐书 – “Musical Calligraphy” by Baiwei
Works by Stephen Nelson
Works by Antonio Devicienti
Works by Texas Fontanella
Manuale di vendita (Utsanga award – 2021) by Mariangela Guatteri
Works by Cecelia Chapman
Persefone by ThelemaMX
Works by Wellington Amancio Silva
art and dreams by k@in
I gabbiani non lo sanno by Oronzo Liuzzi
Light writing, 1992, installazione olografica e neon, Rocca Paolina, PG by Ruggero Maggi
Asemic by Jesper Frederik Emil Hansen
Questa è la mia giornata di oggi by Riccardo Benzina
GAP in Rome 2021 by GAP (Carl Heyward, Christopher Padgett, Helen Cohen, Maryse Pique, Elise Marshall, Naomi Shintai, Akiko Suzuki, William Jaggers, Massimo Nota) …
Works by Lina Stern
AA9MXE00TJOL by Giuseppe Calandriello Synopsys: Asemic cinema is non-communication form that uses language outside the traditional rules of syntax. Asemic cinema determines a void of meaning which…
Mai successo prima by Andrea Astolfi mai successo prima_andrea astolfi Fondaco Scalone, Largo Forcella 8, Atri 16/07/2021 – 23/07/2021 to Federica mai successo prima…
asemic haiku diary week by Andrea Astolfi
Arabesco by Andrea Astolfi
a/live asemic action by Andrea Astolfi Azione di digital asemic writing, realizzata in live, trasmessa a distanza attraverso lo screen sharing e videoproiettata all’imbrunire del 3 settembre…
Asemic notes by MironTee
Bip and Bop by Carlo Bugli
Euphoric Essays by Beth Kingston-Lee
tap eh air andt rash by Jim Leftwich
Raccolta del pellegrino (estratti) by Rubimasco
Scritture by Angelo Nge Colella
Works by Brent Bechtel
Michael Jacobson Interview by Beth Kingston-Lee Beth: I’ve read some of your interviews, and I’m really interested in your thoughts around the autobiographical (or not) nature…
Anni Ottanta: Opere by Luca Venitucci
Dead End – asemic streets, photographs by Cecelia Chapman
Works by Michelle King
Densités – son et silence by May Bery
Works by Jeff Bagato
Asemic Pwoermds by Stephen Nelson
AHAHAHAHAHAH! by Andrea Astolfi
Domani il tempo libero by Andrea Astolfi
Grafie contemporanee by Anna Boschi
Asemic by Onno Ennoson
Scritture vuote by Benedetta Del Coco
Asemic WritingMediating the Liminal Spaceby Cheryl Penn This short article came about as a result of unpacking a philosophical route based on the what, why and when process…
Equinozio. Tre sfumatureby Nicolò Gugliuzza
Ultime notizieby Martina Stella Site specific, ephemeral installation, October 202032 Drawings from the series Ultime notizie, (Latests news), Prima, seconda e terza pagina,Photography: Asemic writing newspapers temporarily affixed…
Worksby John M. Bennett and Jeff Crouch
Worksby Meri Karako
Worksby Edward Kulemin
L’era del presente eternoby Oronzo Liuzzi
Asemic writing. Rispondendo a Piero Montanaby Francesco Aprile Di recente il gallerista siciliano Piero Montana, da poco folgorato dal fenomeno dell’asemic writing, da lui, con ogni evidenza, fin…
Opereby Alfonso Lentini
A short anthologyby Italo Carrarini UFFICIO CULTURA-TURISMO-SPETTACOLOAttivato in data 1 Novembre 1991Particolari dagli Adempimenti d’Ufficio del 1° ciclo: 1 Novembre 1991 – 31 Ottobre 1992dal catalogo del 3208°…
Spettrogrammiby Egidio Marullo Acquisire immagini, suoni, informazioni sensoriali è un’azione convulsa, complessa, una ricerca di senso o di costruzione della sua negazione. Un’onda in-forma, aggiunge creste e pennacchi…
A proposito di FEU di Mariantonietta Clotilde Palasciano Opere in mostra presso la galleria LO.FT – gennaio 2020by Stefania Dubla Fuoco come la brama di ardere ‘l mondo…
Works by Cristiano Caggiula
A short anthology by Feliciano De Mira
Works by Stephanie Krawehl
Works: how we look at things? by Nobuhiro Mido Now that I have the opportunity, I would like to introduce two things that I often think about…
Works by Anna Boschi
Asemic for Home by Lina Stern
Asemic by Nicola Mclellan
Works by John Bennett and Texas Fontanella
Works by Vittorino Curci
Works by Piotr Podsiadły
Works by Wellington Amancio Silva
Works by Zuza Dolega
A short anthology (part. II) by Monika Aleksandrowicz
A short anthology (part. I) by Monika Aleksandrowicz
Asemic writing: A short anthology by Collin J. Rae
Works by Miron Tee and Tim Gaze
Asemic light by Elizabeth Yoffe