Glitch art
Stephen Nelson remixed by Tim Gaze
Works by Vincenzo Lagalla
Works by Gabriel Medina
Asemic by Devis Bergantin
Glitch nude by David A. Bishop
Works by Momo
I miei primi giorni Verse. by Francesco Cane Barca Anno 2035. Giorno ventuno di agosto. è un agosto che ricorderò. Uno dei fortunati, dei…
Triptych (Utsanga award – 2021) by Alexander Limarev
Octodoc Donato Mancini – Horn
Glitch by Jeff Nimp
Works by Jesus Urbina
scrivevo lunghe lettere by Andrea Astolfi a Jack Kerouac
AA9MXE00TJOL by Giuseppe Calandriello Synopsys: Asemic cinema is non-communication form that uses language outside the traditional rules of syntax. Asemic cinema determines a void of meaning which…
Works by Jeff Nimp
White noise (II) Carta intrecciata. Misura variabile by Vesna Bursich Nell’opera dal titolo “WHITE NOISE” le parole sono intese come oggetto indipendentemente dal loro…
White noise (I) Carta intrecciata. Misura variabile by Vesna Bursich
Works by Alexander Limarev
Equinozio. Tre sfumatureby Nicolò Gugliuzza
Mamma mia cara(da “Lettere inedite ai famigliari” di Baudelaire)by Andrea Astolfi
A short anthologyby Borek Dale
La macchina di von Neumannby Francesco Aprile
Works by Cristiano Caggiula
CORONAVIRUSDISEASE by Detoune CORONAVIRUSDISEASE stand as a metaphor for the info-pandemic we are experiencing in these days; the overwhelming flowing of declarations, statements, views,…
Palinsesti by Andrea Piccinelli
Works by Dona Mayoora and Kristine Snodgrass
Works by Chace Kleinheksel I’m A conceptual artist My works with geometric abstractions create subtle gradations with transparencies Contrasting colors, shapes and an elusive view of form, this…
Note su “Glitchasemics” di Marco Giovenale by Francesco Aprile Glitchasemics (Estratti) Glitchasemics (Libro) Glitchasemics è un libro di Marco Giovenale, edito da Post-Asemic Press di…
Estratti da “Glitchasemics” (Post-Asemic Press, 2020) by Marco Giovenale
Yard song by Edward Kulemin
Glitch poems by Francesco Aprile
Asemic-glitch poems: four works by Alexander Limarev
Glitch poems by Louis Crane
Glitch: A short anthology by Alexey Sokolin
12 Glitch poems fra poesia visiva e concreta by Douglas Paul no
Nazca secret song 1, 2, 3 by Alexander Limarev
Glitch by Alexander Wloch
Works by David Chirot
Glitch by Vivi Melignon
Glitch by Jesùs Urbina
Glitch text generator by Jonathan N. Mulcahy-King
Works by Francesco Aprile
Works by Michael Betancourt
Works by Francesco Aprile
Glitch by Lumanzin
Remix rampage by Paul Hertz Utsanga remix rampage a project by Volodymyr Bilyk I have remixed my image “The Sorcerer and His Magic,” based on a…
Remix rampage by Cristiano Caggiula Source:
Remix rampage by Edward Kulemin Utsanga remix rampage a project by Volodymyr Bilyk This is my Remix of my work published in utsanga No. 4 Kulemin |…
Remix rampage: Berliner Variationen by Federico Federici Utsanga remix rampage a project by Volodymyr Bilyk Motivazione: Berliner Variationen nach “Four Works” is both an image-to-sound and an image-to-video…
Remix rampage ( II ) by Volodymyr Bilyk Utsanga remix rampage a project by Volodymyr Bilyk Zdoryk Dead Channel Glitch-heavy interpretation of Romtso Zdoryk’ AVE GENIUS. Images…
Glitch by Mathieu St-Pierre
Glitch by Riccardo Di Trani
Glitch asemic poems by Edward Kulemin
Glitch: a short anthology by Daniel Vasconcelos
Glitch by Adrian Cain
Glitch by Felix Rothschild
Glitch-asemic poetry by Edward Kulemin
Asemic-glitch writing by Francesco Aprile
Glitch by Francesco Aprile “la voce non si muove che attraverso qualche segno discontinuo di tempesta” Roland Barthes Francesco Aprile – Digital TV Glitch (agosto 2016) from utsanga…
Glitch. Video by Tomas Spont
Glitch. Five works by Donna Kuhnn
Glitch. Eight works by Pasquale Fameli
Asemic + glitch by Francesco Aprile
Glitch. Six works by Paul Hertz A Mathematical Theory of Communication Page from Claude Shannon’s A Mathematical Theory of Communication. from The Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 27,…
Glitch. Four works by MironTee
Glitch. Five works by Tomas Spont
Glitch. Seven works by Roberto Cortes
Black triangles glitched by Jack Glamitz
Glitch. Three works by Alexander Limarev
Atari 2600 glitches by Jukka-Pekka Kervinen Jukka-Pekka Kervinen: “from 2011, Atari 2600 glitches with some postprocessing, all 2600 programs written by me, direct machine language which contains lots…
A few persistent thoughts about asemic writing by Tim Gaze Asemic writing is a visual stimulus that makes one think, for however brief an amount of…
Natural Glitch by Mariangela Guatteri