Technochoros. “Calli(prο)grammes”
by Demosthenes Agrafiotis

“Calli (prο) grammes’’

Antibes, France, 26/07/1993, in art gallery «Les Cyclades”, Aris Voliotis (photographer and owner of Gallery), offered me brush and a body of papers belonging to the Swiss painter, architect and Aesthetics theoretician: Hans Hinterreitter (1902-1985). (

 For 21 years, I have been possessed with the desire to use, to “exploit”, the precious material entrusted to me, after a walk in the city, where I saw the modest house of Nikos Kazantzakis, provocative villa Aristotle Onassis – in full decline, and the small palace, home and workshop of Pablo Picasso. Finally, in 2014, with all these memories and with a more solid familiarity with the work of the painter for whom the geometry and physics of color served as milestones in his work , I attempted processing-production of syneikonon (collages): ” Calli (pro) grammes ”. Assuming that the Swiss multi-art-ist, converses with Plato and Goethe, then my syneikones-collages aspire to move on the interfaces of geometry, gestural-abstract painting and industrial printing, and thus my works emerge as possible versions of “perpetually” questionable or uncertain   articulation between   discourse and figure.