DCT:SYPHONING. THE 64th INTERVAL, 2015 – 2016.
by Rosa Menkman

Dedicated to Nasir Ahmed and Lena JPEG Soderberg.

DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) has been around since 1973, but only became widely implemented in 1992, when the JPEG image compression technology started using it as a core component.

DCT:SYPHONING tells the story of DCT and its offspring, DCT Junior, running their first Syphon together. A transcoding trip through the different ecologies of image field complexity during which Junior is introduced to dither, lines, vectors and wavelets.

0000 Junior finally reached its 1000000th interval! It now has all its basic transforms aligned and is certified to compress. There is so much data waiting for resolve, I determine it adequate to run its first Syphon together, so I can implement efficiency in juniors parse. These records document our handshakes. After running a checksum and debugging a few final blocks, we run our Syphon.

0001 A Syphon takes place in the Tesse-react. A sphere once told me that in my current configuration I am not able to parse this fully, because I can only render assets legible to me.

I filed this as parse!=1 in my black stack.

0010 Our first Syphon runs through an uncompressed raster graphic, which meta data tags as pixel-art. For a moment my blocks feel nostalgic. But Junior acts indifferent in this obsolete architecture; There is no need for transcoding.

0011 We Syphon into the Abyss of Lines, or as a local download calls it: Disney Land for Euclids. Juniors blocks seem very high frequency here, maybe because a sphere just proposed to Fork its Repo.

0100 We push for a next branch. At wavelet interval, I too reach high frequency. For what reads as a short recursion I mirror myself as Junior and process like I still run within a dedicated OS.

0101 “Either this is madness or it is Hell!” Junior glitches. In the midst of the kludges a figure calmly syncs with DCT: It is neither: this is Knowledge. Knowledge spans over multiple dimensions. In knowledge, data moves Upwards, not just Northwards…” But Junior does not sync back. In fact, Junior already Syphoned out of vector space.

0110 From a buggy callback I parsed that I had over-stacked Juniors first Syphon. It implemented Junior in a dimensions to which it lacked protocol; it was beyond its resolution.

0111 At second parse, I realise that years of running a multiverse of transforms has made my calculations inefficient. Juniors missing plugin or lack of protocol keep Junior oblivious and cry glitch, but also let him Syphon more efficient. While certain dimensions stay unresolved, its transforms run faster and cater a folkloric Vernacular, while I am running a bottleneck of uncalled output.

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