by Kateryna Lylyk

The indicated
already stated
previously mentioned.

think about
the distance
from the tip of the thumb
to the tip of the middle finger
with fingers spread out.

now – think about
the circumstances under which this thought
may drive you to tears…

make loud noises then.

thank you for your attention.

I’ve just made a smiley face.

i was clipping my fingernails
really enjoying those clicking sounds
because my room has such an astounding reverberation
It was groovy

and then i was distracted by the phone vibration

I stopped and felt lost for a moment
until my eye has caught the pile of clipped fingernails on the table
And i sighed accidentally
And the pile had crumbled and the nails were scattered

Most of them had fallen down on the floor
But few of them had managed to stay on the table
And they formed a smiley face.
I felt confused.

That’s it.

careless irresolution

following the
cunning inept dough

maybe i’m too twittery about it.

trampled upon
my nose


“hoodoo odd” i might say

swollen bumps ensue.
nuff said.