Cloud Synapses
by Aakriti Kuntal


Forms dwell in basins of unexamined objects, waiting to be discovered. A close inspection reveals that the geometry and colours of the various entities of the earth emerge as music when given careful attention. These forms can be found anywhere—in the bark of a tree, the utensil glaring in soft bands of light, the drooling curtains, the septum of a leaf, the creases on a calf. They can spontaneously erupt into our visions with a gentle change (or a drastic one). The malleable dough is waiting to take any identity the body is willing to give it. Here, cotton balls roll and swivel, clouds from a daydream, and assume many identities. They resemble the organs of God’s multitude. There is thick gossip that whispers amidst the molecules of cotton, embraced by colours. These molecules chatter and roll, walk and laugh, cry and embrace. Together, they appear as abstractions that are willing to reveal the naked truths of both the creator and the viewer. In themselves, they are nothing but randomness, entropy swaying to beats. However, perceptions and thoughts grant them shapes and identities, meaning and emotions.