by Irene Koronas




crumble ayute peaked out

by distilled holler. nose sacks


scant ambition dents hypothesis.


no vessels match mimbres pots

the way lizards dot horn needles


greasy anise


do not expect anything from perforating

toads or from thick blade


only a scrap edge implicates use






crude effi made from lumps

with groove vaginas


cut equal in adumbrate

design. a nut hole


basin the tamarish walls.

in three crooked lines


vertex bends water, tucked

under a rock, figures gone from


one tavaput to another. the skull

pit farm. willow makers


boat yucca strands.

cuphold bores their side


interlock triage tick

seven times its weight


chockstove wedged in a crack

transmogrifates a giant


gibbon footed ledge






during the first drain

during the first interian


pygmy forest scarp reticts

the ephemeral lakind. 3 appear

respectable metates before excavation

mound 7 (map3) was ungraved grama

and bush mukly grass, room 31, 38

along section d (fig1) leaks.


the early phase contours bedlow

surface as shown on map 2


interpolate sectional elevation

activity alters erection






feature 1 on sterile caliche

laid soil was averaging 0.7

rounds in plan straddle

the ridge evidence remains

in gap inference. the centric

connect of radicals. six arc #’s

112 plot for the missing






Irene Koronas is the author of numerous collections of xperimental writing. Her Grammaton Series includes holyrit (BlazeVOX, 2019), Volume IV, declivities (BlazeVOX, 2018), Volume III, ninth iota (The Knives Forks and Spoons Press, 2018), Volume II and Codify (Éditions du Cygne, 2017), Volume I. Her collections include Turtle Grass (Muddy River Books, 2014), Emily Dickinson (Propaganda Press, 2010) and Pentakomo Cyprus (Červená Press, 2009). Her xperimental writing and sauvage art have been published in Alligatorzine, BlazeVOX, The Boston Globe, Cambridge Chronicles, E·ratio, New Mystics, Offcourse, Otoliths, Poesy, Taos Journal of International Poetry & Art, Silver Pinion and Word For/Word. She is the Publisher of X-Peri & Var(2x). Her website is irenekoronas.com.


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