Ascii code
by Daniel Y. Harris
“ASCII code 48 = 0,” “ASCII code 49 = 1”
“ASCII code 50 = 2,” “ASCII code 51 = 3”
from The Misprision of Agon Hack
(Volume IV, The Posthuman Series)
Daniel Y. Harris
ASCII code 48 = 0
Agon Hack’s gainsay shrinks wide—plagal.
Scrotum atra cura on the currentBabel
without rival. Gorescar’s
élan vitale [sauflenom], cocks
REACTIONS. O’s ribcage
apostacy müüüüüüüds—skullshell. Begets
the scald’s Q !AH.yye1fxo ID: N/A >> 48 (No Title
/greatawakening/) 01.19.18 GMT+1: 06:20:58.
Lowspine asteraceae in devices stem
from Panta Rhei. Its collapse fricative
directs increase. Cere shifts its
scaly folds. Try the systole
consecration’s FileUtils.install(“#{from}.bat”,
File.join(target, “#{op_file}.bat”), :mode =>
0755, :preserve => true,
:verbose => true), rather
than the consensus. Peerage
begs for (0 kelvin or −273.15°C). Junctures fuse
punk font. This proof output elides
the medial comma. Far
cruder, Agon’s a heroic
liberator—gravity by hip. Below,
loops and a blot in blicals. SET
Program Files (x48)/pyilmbase/”):
flesh’s a benison. Back in the caul,
exhume a litmus, rapine in fur. Fascia’s
illdye soils the symbol. Year
zero’s ‘sphinx.ext.coverage’,
‘sphinx.ext.ifconfig’—is Agon’s
Vita Nuova.
ASCII code 49 = 1
Agon Hack’s honorrhoid, itself das Schwarzgerät,
[bijoujoux]—is glossa, lingua, langue, language.Language is the pneuma hagion’s
module.exports = require(‘./dist/
zoid.frame’)—the gulf between noeton
and aistheton. In ASCII code 49 = 1,
Agon’s from Middle English one,
on, oan, an, from Old English ān (“one”),
from Proto-Germanic *ainaz (“one”),
from Proto-Indo-European
*óynos (“single, one.”)
His prosthetic soul has a zomboid reactor.
Hulé and morphé are coposited—thcd^hre\
vasaa malast luxrbiyo thay yeha*nt)
acknoxi facior qiagipte)
luetlix rididoc. Stimulate
his corpse[! ]—epiphylogenesis.
Orthothetic memory supports
the ensemble. Aesk heylhopa
when nyctovo is “no.”
When nyctovo is “yes,” DMT (m/z 189),
5- MeO-DMT (m/z 219), 5-FT (ISTD, m/z 179),
THH (m/z 217), harmaline (m/z 215),
and harmine (m/z 213) are formed
by electrospray ionization and selectively
monitored for quantitation.
His natural pondus is millennial power’s
Q !AH.yye1fxo ID: 239b20 >> 89725
(Qresearch #107) 01.19.18
GMT+1: 06:36:41.
The blunt in the narthex
rehearse vivas puellas mortui
incurrrrrsant boves.
He leads the Ul Qom.
ASCII code 50 = 2
Agon Hack’s hereditary accruals (fantasmia),
aka, Subito Ere Bastinado’s fessades,
superintend the vault. Pivot probe
the Tanoan dios—gauge
its principal parts: Wî’, Wíyeh, Poeyeh
Yôenu, P’ą́ąnú, Phéndi’, P’î’.
Of course, Agon as Asclepiad—“choriambically
expanded glyconic” with the notation
glc (lesser) or gl2c (greater).
Undrift his share’s const pattern = config
Key.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/g, x => {quincunx.
Spotlit till blank—glottis’
antitypous […] Obs. rare./
[f. onti/tupoj Gr. -OUS.]
Counterfigures the antitype’s amaranth,
goosefoot, pitseed goosefoot, chenoams, winged
pigweed, dropseed and juniper.
2 + 2 = 2 · 2 = 22 = 2↑↑2 = 2↑↑↑2 = Q
!AH.yye1fxo ID: f2d4bd >> 127302
(Qresearch #50 = 2) 01.22.18
GMT+1: 20:20:36.
“IHVH-Adonaï, ton Elohîms, / l’Él ardent,…”
Scrape the isthmus—his peristalsis,
until a guttersnipe blasts his cèrn eyes.
Wynken, Blynken and Nod—nostalgia
for the “arborescent” taproot
against the rhizome. Call it ubiarta
hara Mikirbecha—the Perfektibilisten.
Iahvé se repentit […] « […]—conolatry, access
and egress whet his sizlegs. Posers vy.
Crawsickos joust. Baiters deathspew.
Iamblichos’ Theurgia is Agon’s
fascicular root. Motivate
the epistemophiliacs.
ASCII code 51 = 3
Agon Hack cameos as Ogdru eb Jurhad—sublates
claudam nunc oculos. Pliant unease’s <Compile
Cambion. Shag the pelt.
Thickplot under ladroit. Add pronghorn
and artiodactyla—Fermat
prime (22n + 1)—CUTUPS.
Re: the Tzemach Tzedek.
Obs. / 1594 SHAKES. Rich. III, IV. iv. 97
“Decline all this, and see what now
thou art.” (OED, 00058818.) Strike
a clot. Plunder a pass’ prescient
tendril. Spin bloat the tubers.
Unaid ecate on rank and twist
the cockegg. Agon is one God, but three coeternal
consubstantial hypostases—the Father,
the Son and the Holy
Spirit—as “one Hack
in three Divine persons”.
In his pharmacy, his panglossalium, Agon mixes
phonemes like a medicine man, a shaman,
or what he calls sfeinctor’s Q !A
H.yye1fxo ID: ddd331 >> 131202
(Qresearch #51=3) 01.23.18
GMT+1: 04:26:59. Hedge gall. Helical
ridge, no less than the thresh.
Hooray! Ay! Whrrwhee!
Eort, when racciolino
ups the zantines—less iccarda.
More hrones. The overripe
now have their thrasonical brag—(ça,
Sa1, Sa2 ). Epihora transfers
the incubator.
Daniel Y. Harris is the author of numerous collections of xperimental writing. His Posthuman Series includes The Reincarnation of Anna Phylactic (BlazeVOX, 2019), Volume III, The Tryst of Thetica Zorg (BlazeVOX, 2018), Volume II and The Rapture of Eddy Daemon (BlazeVOX, 2016), Volume I. His collections include The Underworld of Lesser Degrees (NYQ Books, 2015) and Hyperlinks of Anxiety (Červená Barva Press, 2013). His xperimental writing and sauvage art have been published in Alligatorzine, BlazeVOX, The Denver Quarterly, European Judaism, Exquisite Corpse, GAMMM, Marsh Hawk Press Review, The New York Quarterly, Notre Dame Review and Poetry Salzburg Review. He is the Publisher of X-Peri & Var(2x). His website is
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