by Mark Young
After the inserts
were all in place
she fell asleep in
a dodecahedral
envelope. Summer
bounded by like an
holographic ante-
lope. Grass fell. It
burned her eyes.
We’re chomping at the bit.
Have glimpsed some
kind of killer alligators &
hurricanes in nostalgia-
baiting cameos. You DO
have a current robot file
to work out if it actually
is a cypher? Without it, “no
information is available
for this page” will display,
& speculation over the next
season can only carry on.
Total energy narrowly circum-
scribes. Creates frontiers &
borders. Characterized by the
need to have an entire body
of knowledge devoted to it.
Embodied energy goes any-
where, with anything. Never
goes out of style except within
the environs of the Leichen-
haus, the Hospital for the Dead.
Instead it aims to improve
the policy of :
a product of :
anything to do with the hunt
ranges of :
in addition to :
throughout the vehicle
the parts that :
the content of :
see & seen been can.
Throw the fish
into a tubular
barrel & view
your local
weather radar
without being
hounded for it.
I have exchanged the
kaffeeklatsch franchise
for the Library. Am
now surrounded by a
greater range of words, but
it doesn’t seem to help me.
Tracking the descent
Men on this site preach the red
pill. Photos of guys who lose
control are venerated. Thus, the
seemingly simple bench press
you do in the gym may actually be
much riskier for your cat or dog
than traveling as check-in baggage
in a ventilated part of the aircraft.
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