by Mark Young
the Knitting Central Sock Club
The disarray was as I
had remembered it. Cables
everywhere, a mottled
black bag as stand-in for
the black flag of anarchy.
I designed this pattern for
inaugural demonstrations
involving several protest
groups. Social disorder
as a procedural device.
Nouvelle not so vague
A dead bird on the
beach. The Wurlitzer
kicks in, too far out
to sea for anyone to
see it. Dogs walk their
previous owners in
scenes reminiscent of
L’Année dernière à
Marienbad. Insularity is
a forgotten way of life.
ceramic cigarettes
The natural evolution of enter-
tainment is to render you
increasingly isolated.
When global warming is
commercialized, the smart-
phone is expected to
become burdensome.
Unplug your Flat Screen TV
from the white picket fence
before you begin.
Be skeptical of politics, the police,
the furnish of fiber pulp.
Think of a new car. Drive
it home from the dealer.
It’s now a used car.
Marduk had his first real swim today
Levi-Strauss’ answer was to
crowdsource a venture-capital
enterprise affiliated with the
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
which then approved about $400
billion in supplemental spending
for the thin horizontal pinkish-
purplish lines on my monitor.
Drought-tolerant, suitable for xeriscaping
Supermassive black holes at
the hearts of some galaxies are
the most fuel-efficient engines
since U.S. forces invaded Iraq
in March 2003. Teens whose
iPods are full of music with
raunchy, sexual lyrics derived
from psychic conversion are the
next-best alternative. She cycled
to work, walked to the shops.
Still can’t figure out what to buy for that special someone?
Fashion designers be-
come inspired in those
first rigorous
conditioning workouts
when they’re called
upon to coil a
rope on the ground &
within its confines re-
place the structure
of several named Hindu
deities with a mixture of
spinach, raisins, & lean beef.
Esoteric criteria
What turns your crank? Revs
your engine? Gets you going?
I love—used to love—painting
glass. Then I found you could
download ebooks by Mark Young
for FREE! Including “How to con-
vert your post lantern gaslight
to electric.” Realized absolute
moral privilege was flexible,
scalable, & cost effective. Now I
seek to find how much physical
activity inside a Nags Head
condo rental will appease the re-
spective bases in the primaries?
He began to write the first episode of a documentary series on serial killers.
In the Spring of 1997, which came after the Winter of 1997, which came after — depending on whether you dwelt in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere — the Fall of 1996 or the Autumn of 1997, which came after the Summer of 1996 or of 1997, which came after the Spring of 1996, which, no matter whether you dwelt in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere, came exactly a year before the Spring of 1997, which came after the Winter of 1997…..
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