by Mark Young


cantankerous okapi


Does gene duplication provide a

               Not necessarily a woman saying

new proxy for future baking or

               this; but there is a shroud of fem-

will short-sellers still claim that

               inine mystique enveloping the

election fraud has prevented them

               special-edition leather bag with

from joining the clubby community

               its white hard hat & a mill that is

that others derisively call a cabal?

               still in really good running order.





Temporal distortion. The breadth

of it. One side so far away

it cannot be seen, at least

not until some time has passed.

& even then, the numbers blur

as they are counted down.


Temporary distraction. The breaths

of it. Undecided cypher, a way

to cancel out the scene, to lease

the space under some half passage

& eventually, as numbness slurs

the speech’s cadences, die out.



after R. Crais #1: Chasing Darkness


A news crew was set up on

the porch. She clipped out

the article, then took an abrupt

right turn. She had blood on

her fingers. Came from finding

her own evidence. A faint buzz

cut through the strip mall

parking lot. A uniformed officer

was seated in the security

station. The furniture was new.



after R. Crais #2: The Promise


A phone buzzed. The table

was spread with papers. Jets

descended. The lights didn’t

come on. One way or another

the water was misleading.

There was a gang fight. Floor

to ceiling glass doors could

be found by back-tracking a

trail of nightmares. I parked

around the corner. No one

followed me down the hall.


Around election time


The multiregional

hypothesis is an

alternative scientific


model whose car

has been towed

for illegal parking.



dissolved in white spirit


To a certain extent,

hegemonic constructs


          are the product of an

          authoritative ugg


boots online outlet store. 

But taxonomic divisions


          are human constructs. The

          boots progress in linear


fashion. Their fossilized

form is gray-brown.



Creating a community events board


Backgammon is a

completely ergodic

game which is why

mice do not play it.


They prefer to teach

risk management &

brinksmanship to the

renters in the building.


The Friendly Witness


Last month, at the

Harmony Palace

restaurant, banquet


politics was ditched

in favor of com-

promise. With history


constantly zigzagging

around, the single

track has become a


bottleneck, & linear

teleology dropped

in favor of a tribal


circling which appears

to completely contradict

our ideas of a usable


piece of furniture. I am

broke as hell. I take

the  witness stand for


a second day. Someone

is manipulating me

using mind magic.