by Richard Kostelanetz


Dedicated to my colleague
The poet Hjalmar Flax


Who once dismissed Google translations as “gibberish,” which he took to be dismissive, while I judge it honorific.

[NOTE TO ME: Run a short text, perhaps the bio note after Virgil, through various languages and then back into English, with the other languages on versos, and English on rectos.]




   I was born May 14, 1940, in New York, New York, and grew up there until removed, to my disadvantage, to a Westchester suburb, from which I escaped to Brown University, which I majored in American Civilization and studied with S. Foster Damon, who had also taught Virgil Thomson four decades before.  Rather than go to Vietnam, I returned to my birthplace to continue my education, first at Columbia University, in American history and then within that New York City cultural world that exists apart from institutions, developing interests in visual and media arts first as a critic and later as a creator.  Unable to get a doctorate, or any of the emoluments promised to holders of that degree, I have since been unemployed, nonetheless publishing articles, books, poetry, fiction, plays, and experimental prose, as well as composing audiotapes and videotapes, making films and holograms, that have been exhibited and broadcast around the world.  Such work is acknowledged in histories of both American literature and modern music; my art, along with my critical interests, are customarily characterized as “avant-garde” and “anarchist libertarian.” Deliciously single for the past forty-five years, I resided in downtown Manhattan from 1966 to 2010 before relocating to Ridgewood, Queens, where I presently sleep and work, leaving home as infrequently as possible.  My favorite hobbies are swimming and reading in the sunshine.  From time to time I try to disprove characterizations of me as unemployable and unmarriageable; invariably I fail.


Biografische aantekening NA Virgil Thomson


Ik ben geboren 14 mei 1940, in New York, New York, en groeide daar tot verwijderd, mijn nadeel, een voorstad Westchester, waaruit ik ontsnapte aan Brown University, waar ik studeerde in de Amerikaanse beschaving en studeerde bij S. Foster Damon, die ook vier decennia eerder had geleerd Virgil Thomson. In plaats van naar Vietnam, keerde ik terug naar mijn geboorteplaats aan mijn opleiding voort te zetten, eerst aan de Columbia University, in de Amerikaanse geschiedenis en vervolgens binnen dat New York City culturele wereld dat, afgezien bestaat uit instellingen, het ontwikkelen van belangen in de beeldende en mediakunst eerst als een criticus en later als een schepper. Niet in staat om een doctoraat te krijgen, of een van de beloofde aan de houders van die mate emolumenten, sindsdien heb ik werkloos geweest, toch publiceren van artikelen, boeken, poëzie, fictie, toneelstukken en experimenteel proza, evenals het samenstellen van geluidsbanden en videobanden, het maken van films en hologrammen, die werden tentoongesteld en uitgezonden over de hele wereld. Dergelijk werk wordt erkend in de geschiedenis van zowel de Amerikaanse literatuur en moderne muziek; mijn kunst, samen met mijn kritische belangen, worden gewoonlijk gekenmerkt als ‘avant-garde’ en ‘anarchist libertaire. ” Heerlijk enkel voor de afgelopen vijfenveertig jaar, ik woonde in het centrum van Manhattan 1966-2010 vóór de verhuizing naar Ridgewood, Queens, waar ik op dit moment slapen en werken, uit huis zo weinig mogelijk. Mijn favoriete hobby’s zijn zwemmen en lezen in de zon. Van tijd tot tijd probeer ik karakteriseringen van mij als inzetbaar en kunnen trouwen weerleggen; onveranderlijk ik faal.



Biographical note NA Virgil Thomson


   I was born May 14, 1940, in New York, New York, and grew up there until removed my disadvantage, a suburb West Chester, from which I escaped at Brown University, where I majored in American civilization and studied at S. Foster Damon, who also four decades had learned earlier Virgil Thomson. Instead of going to Vietnam, I returned to continue my hometown to my education, first at Columbia University, in American history and then within that New York City cultural world that apart consists of institutions, develop interests the visual and media arts first as a critic and later as a creator. Unable to get a doctorate, or the promise to holders of the extent emoluments, since then I have been unemployed, still publishing articles, books, poetry, fiction, plays and experimental texts, as well as composing audiotapes and videotapes, film making and holograms, which were exhibited and broadcast around the world. Such work is recognized in the history of both American literature and contemporary music; my art with my critical interests are normally characterized as’ avant-garde ‘and’ libertarian anarchist. “Delicious only for the past five years, I lived in downtown Manhattan 1966-2010 before moving to Ridgewood, Queens, where I sleep right now and work from home as little as possible. My favorite hobbies are swimming and reading . sun from time to time I try characterizations of me as usable and can marry refute; I invariably fail.



Biografska bilješka NA Virgil Thomson

Rođen sam 14. svibnja 1940, u New York, New York, a odrastao tamo gore dok se ne uklone svoje nedostatke, predgrađu West Chester, iz koje sam pobjegao na Brown University, gdje sam studirao u američkoj civilizaciji i studirao na S. Foster Damon , koji je također četiri desetljeća su ranije naučili Virgil Thomson. Umjesto odlaska u Vijetnam, vratio sam se i dalje moj rodni grad na moje obrazovanje, najprije na Sveučilištu Columbia, u američkoj povijesti, a onda unutar tog New York City kulturnog svijeta da osim sastoji od institucija, razvijati interese vizualne i medijske umjetnosti najprije kao kritičar a kasnije kao kreator. Nije moguće dobiti doktorat, ili obećanje nositelja mjeri doplatke, od tada sam bio nezaposlen, i dalje objavljivati članke, knjige, poeziju, prozu, drame i eksperimentalne tekstova, kao i od kojih se sastoji audio kazete i video vrpcama, snimanju filmova te holograme koji su bili izloženi i emitira širom svijeta. Takav rad je priznat u povijesti i američke književnosti i suvremene glazbe; moja umjetnost s mojim kritičkim interesima obično karakterizira kao “avangardu” i “slobodarski anarhist. “Delicious samo za posljednjih pet godina, živio sam u središtu Manhattana 1966-2010 prije premještanja na Ridgewood, Queens, gdje sam spavati odmah i rad od kuće što je manje moguće. Moji omiljeni hobi su kupanje i čitanje. Sunce s vremena na put kad pokušam karakterizacije mene kao korisna i mogu se udati za pobiti, a ja uvijek uspjeti.



Biographical notes on Virgil Thomson

 I was born on May 14, 1940, in New York, New York, and grew up there until you remove its shortcomings, a suburb of West Chester, from which I escaped to Brown University, where I studied in American civilization and studied at S. Foster Damon , who is also four decades previously learned Virgil Thomson. Instead of going to Vietnam, I came back and continue my hometown to my education, first at Columbia University, in American history, and then within the New York City cultural world that in addition consists of institutions, develop the interests of visual and media arts, first as a critic and later as creator. It is not possible to obtain a doctorate, or promise holders extent allowances, ever since I was unemployed, and continues to publish articles, books, poetry, prose, plays and experimental texts, and which constitute the audio tapes and video tapes, film making and holograms exposed and broadcast around the world. Such work has been recognized in history and American literature and contemporary music; my art with my critical interests usually characterized as “avant-garde” and “libertarian anarchist.” Delicious only for the last five years, I lived in downtown Manhattan 1966-2010 before moving to Ridgewood, Queens, where I sleep right away and work from home as little as possible. My favorite hobbies are swimming and reading. Sun from time to time I try characterization of me as useful and can not marry kill, and I always succeed.



Notas biográficas de Virgil Thomson

Nací el 14 de mayo de 1940, en Nueva York, Nueva York, y crecí allí hasta quitar sus defectos, un suburbio de West Chester, del que me escapé a la Universidad de Brown, donde estudié en la civilización americana y estudié en S Foster Damon, que también ha aprendido cuatro décadas previamente Virgil Thomson. En lugar de ir a Vietnam, volví y continué mi ciudad natal a mi educación, primero en la Universidad de Columbia, en la historia de América, y luego dentro del mundo cultural de la Ciudad de Nueva York que además consiste en instituciones, desarrollar los intereses de las artes visuales y de medios , Primero como crítico y después como creador. No es posible obtener un doctorado, o prometer a los titulares la extensión de las asignaciones, desde que estuve desempleado, y continúa publicando artículos, libros, poesía, prosa, obras de teatro y textos experimentales y que constituyen las cintas de audio y cintas de video, Y hologramas expuestos y transmitidos por todo el mundo. Este trabajo ha sido reconocido en la historia y la literatura americana y la música contemporánea; Mi arte con mis intereses críticos habitualmente caracterizados como “vanguardistas” y “anarquistas libertarios”. Delicioso sólo durante los últimos cinco años, viví en el centro de Manhattan 1966-2010 antes de trasladarme a Ridgewood, Queens, donde duermo de inmediato y trabajo desde casa lo menos posible. Mis pasatiempos favoritos son la natación y la lectura. Sun de vez en cuando intento la caracterización de mí como útil y no puedo casarme matar, y siempre tengo éxito.


Biographical Notes of Virgil Thomson


I was born on May 14, 1940, in New York, New York, and grew up there to remove his defects, a suburb of West Chester, from which I escaped to Brown University, where I studied in American civilization and studied in S Foster Damon, who has also learned four decades previously Virgil Thomson. Instead of going to Vietnam, I went back and continued my hometown to my education, first at Columbia University, in American history, and then in the cultural world of New York City, which also consists of institutions, Interests of the visual and media arts, First as a critic and then as creator. It is not possible to obtain a doctorate, or to promise to the holders the extension of the assignments, since I was unemployed, and continues to publish articles, books, poetry, prose, plays and experimental texts and constitute the audio tapes and tapes of Video, and holograms exposed and broadcast all over the world. This work has been recognized in American history and literature and contemporary music; My art with my critical interests usually characterized as “avant-garde” and “libertarian anarchists”. Delightful only over the past five years, I lived in midtown Manhattan 1966-2010 before moving to Ridgewood, Queens, where I sleep right away and work from home as little as possible. My favorite hobbies are swimming and reading. Sun occasionally tries to characterize me as useful and I can not marry to kill, and I always succeed.


 Biografiske Noter av Virgil Thomson

Jeg ble født den 14. mai 1940 i New York, New York, og vokste opp der for å fjerne sine feil, en forstad til West Chester, som jeg rømte til Brown University, hvor jeg studerte i amerikansk sivilisasjon og studert i S Foster Damon, som også har lært fire tiår tidligere Virgil Thomson. I stedet for å gå til Vietnam, jeg gikk tilbake og fortsatte min hjemby til min utdannelse, først ved Columbia University i amerikansk historie, og deretter i den kulturelle verden av New York City, som også består av institusjoner, interesser av de visuelle og media kunst , først som en kritiker og deretter som skaperen. Det er ikke mulig å få en doktorgrad, eller love å innehavere forlengelse av oppdragene, siden jeg var arbeidsledig, og fortsetter å publisere artikler, bøker, dikt, prosa, skuespill og eksperimentelle tekster og utgjør lydbånd og bånd av video og hologrammer eksponert og kringkastet over hele verden. Dette arbeidet har blitt anerkjent i amerikansk historie og litteratur og moderne musikk; Min kunst med mine kritiske steder vanligvis karakterisert som “avant-garde” og “frihetlige anarkister”. Herlig bare i løpet av de siste fem årene har jeg bodd i midtown Manhattan 1966-2010 før han flyttet til Ridgewood, Queens, der jeg sove med en gang og jobbe hjemmefra så lite som mulig. Min favoritt hobbyer er svømming og leser. Sun tidvis forsøker å karakterisere meg som nyttig, og jeg kan ikke gifte seg for å drepe, og jeg alltid lykkes.


Biographical Notes of Virgil Thomson


I was born on 14 May 1940 in New York, New York, and grew up there to remove their faults, a suburb of Westchester, which I escaped to Brown University, where I studied in American civilization and studied in S Foster Damon who also learned four decades earlier Virgil Thomson. Instead of going to Vietnam, I went back and continued my hometown for my education, first at Columbia University in American history, and then in the cultural world of New York City, which also consists of institutions, interests of the visual and media art, first as a critic and then as creator. It is not possible to obtain a doctorate, or promise to holders extension of the missions, since I was unemployed, and continues to publish articles, books, poems, prose, plays and experimental texts and constitutes tapes and tapes of video and holograms exposed and broadcast Worldwide. This work has been recognized in American history and literature and contemporary music; My art with my critical locations usually characterized as “avant-garde” and “libertarian anarchists”. Delightful only during the last five years I have lived in midtown 1966-2010 before moving to Ridgewood, Queens, where I sleep right away and work from home as little as possible. My favorite hobbies are swimming and reading. Sun occasionally attempt to characterize me as useful, and I can not marry to kill, and I always succeed.



Notes biographiques de Virgil Thomson


Je suis né le 14 mai 1940 à New York, New York, et j’ai grandi là pour enlever leurs défauts, une banlieue de Westchester, que j’ai échappé à Brown University, où j’ai étudié dans la civilisation américaine et étudié dans S Foster Damon qui a également appris Quatre décennies plus tôt Virgil Thomson. Au lieu d’aller au Vietnam, je suis retourné et ai continué ma ville natale pour mon éducation, d’abord à l’université de Columbia dans l’histoire américaine, puis dans le monde culturel de New York City, qui se compose également des institutions, des intérêts de l’art visuel et médiatique, D’abord comme critique puis comme créateur. Il n’est pas possible d’obtenir un doctorat, ou de promettre aux titulaires de prolongation des missions, puisque je suis au chômage, et continue à publier des articles, des livres, des poèmes, des prose, des pièces de théâtre et des textes expérimentaux et constitue des bandes et cassettes de vidéo et hologrammes exposés et Diffusion dans le monde entier. Ce travail a été reconnu dans l’histoire et la littérature américaines et la musique contemporaine; Mon art avec mes lieux critiques habituellement caractérisés comme «avant-garde» et «anarchistes libertaires». Charmant seulement au cours des cinq dernières années, j’ai vécu dans le centre de 1966-2010 avant de déménager à Ridgewood, Queens, où je dors tout de suite et de travailler à domicile aussi peu que possible. Mes hobbies préférés sont la natation et la lecture. Sun essaye parfois de me caractériser comme utile, et je ne peux pas me marier pour tuer, et je réussis toujours.



Biography of Virgil Thomson


I was born May 14, 1940 in New York, New York, and I grew up there to take away their faults, a suburb of Westchester, that I escaped Brown University, where I studied in American civilization and studied In S Foster Damon who also learned Four Thousand Earlier Virgil Thomson. Instead of going to Vietnam, I went back and continued my hometown for my education, first at Columbia University in American history and then in the cultural world of New York City, which also consists of Institutions, the interests of visual and media art, first as a critic and then as a creator. It is not possible to obtain a doctorate, or to promise to extension holders of missions, since I am unemployed, and continues to publish articles, books, poems, prose, plays and Experimental texts and constitutes tapes and tapes of video and holograms exposed and broadcast worldwide. This work has been recognized in American history and literature and contemporary music; My art with my critical places usually characterized as “avant-garde” and “libertarian anarchists”. Charming only over the past five years, I lived in the center from 1966-2010 before moving to Ridgewood, Queens, where I sleep right away and work from home as little as possible. My favorite hobbies are swimming and reading. Sun sometimes tries to characterize me as useful, and I can not get married to kill, and I still succeed.



Biographie von Virgil Thomson


Ich wurde am 14. Mai 1940 in New York, New York geboren, und ich wuchs dort auf, um ihre Fehler, einen Vorort von Westchester, wegzunehmen, dass ich der Brown University entkam, wo ich in amerikanischer Zivilisation studierte und in S Foster Damon studierte Gelernt Vier tausend älteren Virgil Thomson. Anstatt nach Vietnam zu gehen, ging ich zurück und setzte meine Heimatstadt für meine Ausbildung, zuerst an der Columbia University in der amerikanischen Geschichte und dann in der kulturellen Welt von New York City, die auch aus Institutionen besteht, die Interessen der visuellen und Medienkunst Als Kritiker und dann als Schöpfer. Es ist nicht möglich, eine Doktorarbeit zu bekommen oder Versprechungen für Extensionsinhaber von Missionen, da ich arbeitslos bin und weiterhin Artikel, Bücher, Gedichte, Prosa, Theaterstücke und experimentelle Texte veröffentliche und Bänder und Bänder von Video- und Hologrammen darstellt und ausstellt Weltweit. Diese Arbeit wurde in der amerikanischen Geschichte und Literatur und der zeitgenössischen Musik anerkannt; Meine Kunst mit meinen kritischen Orten in der Regel als “Avantgarde” und “libertären Anarchisten” gekennzeichnet. Charming nur in den letzten fünf Jahren lebte ich in der Mitte von 1966-2010 vor dem Umzug nach Ridgewood, Queens, wo ich sofort schlafen und arbeiten von zu Hause aus so wenig wie möglich. Meine Lieblingshobbys sind Schwimmen und das Lesen. Sonne versucht manchmal, mich als nützlich zu charakterisieren, und ich kann nicht heiraten, um zu töten, und ich gelingt immer noch.



Biography of Virgil Thomson


I was born on May 14, 1940 in New York, New York, and I grew up there to escape their mistakes, a suburb of Westchester, that I escaped from Brown University where I studied in American civilization and in S Foster Damon Studied learned four thousand older Virgil Thomson. Instead of going to Vietnam, I went back and put my hometown for my education, first at Columbia University in American history and then in the cultural world of New York City, which also consists of institutions that interests the visual and media arts Critics and then as creators. It is not possible to get a doctoral thesis or promises for extensions of missions because I am unemployed and continue to publish articles, books, poems, prose, plays and experimental texts and present and display tapes and tapes of video and holograms worldwide. This work has been recognized in American history and literature and contemporary music; My art marked with my critical places usually as “avant-garde” and “libertarian anarchists”. Charming only in the last five years, I lived in the middle of 1966-2010 before moving to Ridgewood, Queens, where I sleep immediately and work from home as little as possible. My favorite hobbies are swimming and reading. Sun sometimes tries to characterize me as useful, and I can not marry to kill, and I still succeed.



verijīli tomiseni mekakeli giletarīki

inē nīwi yoriki, nīwi yoriki wisit’i giniboti 14, 1940 layi teweledu: inēmi ārati timihiriti mat’inati S yemadego Damon ye’āmērīka šilit’anē ina t’inati yeti inē birawini yunīverisītī kamelet’u zenidi ket’ifatachewi, yewēchesiteri ānidi daricha lemamilet’i bezīya ādege verijīli tomiseni shīhi be‘idimē. kezīhi yilik’i vētinami bemehēdi degimo kezīyami yemisili ina yemīdīya t’ibebati hayasiyani ina gudayochini tek’wamati yakatitali benīwi yoriki ketema, bahilawī ‘alemi wisit’i bezīyani gīzē: inē wede ḫwala temelesu; wede A mērīkani tarīki wisit’i bekolomibīya yunīverisītī bemejemerīya, ye’inē timihiriti sile ketemayē ch’emere: fet’arīwochi honewi. inē sira āt’i nenyi be‘alemi zurīya ri‘isochi, mets’aḥifiti, git’imochi, sidi, diramawochi ina yemukera ts’iḥufochi ina be’āhunu gīzē ina yemasaya tēpochi ina vīdīyo kasētochi ina holograms lematemi mek’et’eli mikiniyatumi teli’ikowochi k’it’iyawochi ānidi yedokitirēti weyimi tesifawochi maginyeti āyichalimi. yihi šira mērīkani tarīki E na šine ts’iḥufi ina zemenawī muzīk’a wisit’i iwik’ina yeteset’ewi newi; ye’inē t’ibebi ābizanyawini gīzē “āvaniti giranidē” ina “libertarian anarchists” inide mehonē wesanyi botawochi gari milikiti tederigobetali. yetewabechi bicha balefuti āmisiti ‘ametati wisit’i, inē wedīyawinu inik’ilifi ina betechale met’eni tinishi yebēti mesirati bota Ridgewood, nigišitochi, kemezawerachewi befīti 1966-2010 mehali layi yinori neberi. ye’inē tewedaji gīzē masalefīya sīwanyu ina manibebi newi. t͟s’eḥāyi ānidanidi t’ek’amī inide baḥiriyi yimokirali, ina inē lemegideli magibati āyichilumi, ina āhunimi sikētama.


Virgil Thomson’un biyografisi


14 Mayıs 1940’da New York, New York’ta dünyaya geldim ve Amerika’daki medeniyetlerde okuduğum Brown Üniversitesi’nden kaçıp kendi hatalarımdan, Westchester banliyölerinden kaçmak için orada büyüdüm ve S Foster Damon, öğrendiğim dört Bin büyük Virgil Thomson. Vietnam’a gitmek yerine, geri döndüm ve memleketimi eğitimime açtım, önce önce Columbia Üniversitesi’nde, daha sonra da görsel ve medya sanatlarını ilgilendiren kurumlardan oluşan New York’un kültür dünyasında Eleştiriler ve daha sonra Yaratıcılar olarak. İşsiz olduğumdan ve yazıları, kitapları, şiirleri, eserleri, eserleri ve deney metinlerini yayınlamaya devam etmek ve dünya çapında video ve hologramların kasetleri ve kasetlerini sunmak ve sergilemek için doktora tezi veya sözleşmeleri uzatma sözü vermek mümkün değil. Bu eser Amerikan tarihine, edebiyatına ve çağdaş müziğe kabul edildi; Sanatım eleştirel yerlerimle genellikle “avangard” ve “liberter anarşist” olarak işaretlenmişti. Sadece son beş yılda büyüleyici olan, hemen 1966-2010 ortasında yaşadım ve Queens Ridgewood’a taşındım, burada hemen uyuyup evden mümkün olduğunca az çalıştım. En sevdiğim hobileri yüzüyor ve okuyor. Güneş beni bazen kullanışlı bulmaya çalışıyor ve öldürmek için evlenemiyorum, yine de başarılıyım.

Šitochi, kemezawerachewi befīti 1966-2010 mehali layi yinori neberi. Siz de tainedaji gīzē masalefīya sīwanyu ina manibebi newi. T͟s’eḥāyi ānidanidi t’ek’amī inide baḥiriyi yimokirali, inme lemegideli magibati āyichilumi, ina āhunimi sikētama.


Biography of Virgil Thomson


On May 14, 1940, I came to New York, New York, and I grew up there to escape from Brown University in my civilization in America, escape from Westchester suburbs, and S Foster Damon, the four thousand Great Virgil Thomson I have learned. Instead of going to Vietnam, I returned and started my hometown education, first as the Critics of New York culture and later as Creators, first in Columbia University, then in institutions of visual and media arts. It is not possible to promise to continue to publish my work, books, poems, works, works and essays, and to extend my doctoral thesis or contracts to present and display video and hologram cassettes and tapes around the world. This work was accepted into American history, literature and contemporary music; My art was critically labeled as “avant-garde” and “libertarian anarchist”. I have just lived in the midst of 1966-2010 and moved to Queens Ridgewood, which was fascinating over the last five years, where I immediately slept and worked as little as possible from home. My favorite hobbies are swimming and reading. The sun is trying to find me sometimes useful and I can not marry to kill, but I am still successful.



Biografia do Virgil Thomson


Em 14 de maio de 1940, cheguei a Nova York, Nova York, e cresci lá para escapar da Universidade de Brown em minha civilização na América, escapar dos subúrbios de Westchester, e S Foster Damon, os quatro mil Grandes Virgil Thomson que eu aprendi . Em vez de ir para o Vietnã, voltei e comecei minha educação na cidade natal, primeiro como críticos da cultura de Nova York e mais tarde como criadores, primeiro na Columbia University, depois em instituições de artes visuais e de mídia. Não é possível prometer continuar a publicar meu trabalho, livros, poemas, obras, trabalhos e ensaios e estender minha tese de doutorado ou contratos para apresentar e exibir cassetes de vídeo e holograma em todo o mundo. Este trabalho foi aceito na história americana, literatura e música contemporânea; Minha arte foi rotulada criticamente como “vanguardista” e “anarquista libertário”. Acabei de viver no meio de 1966-2010 e mudou-se para Queens Ridgewood, que foi fascinante nos últimos cinco anos, onde eu imediatamente dormi e trabalhou o mínimo possível de casa. Meus passatempos favoritos são natação e leitura. O sol está tentando me encontrar às vezes útil e eu não posso casar para matar, mas eu ainda sou bem sucedido.



Biography of Virgil Thomson


On May 14, 1940, I arrived in New York, New York, and grew up there to escape from Brown University in my civilization in America, escaping the suburbs of Westchester, and S Foster Damon, four thousand Great Virgil Thomson I learned . Instead of going to Vietnam, came back and started my education in the hometown, first as critics of the culture of New York and later as creators, first at Columbia University, then institutions of visual arts and media. You can not promise to continue to publish my work, books, poems, plays, essays and papers and spreading my doctoral thesis or contracts for presenting and displaying video tapes and hologram worldwide. This work was accepted in American history, literature and contemporary music; My art was labeled critically as “edgy” and “libertarian anarchist.” I just live in the midst of 1966-2010 and moved to Ridgewood Queens, which was fascinating in the last five years, where I once slept and worked as little as possible from home. My favorite hobbies are swimming and reading. The sun is trying to find me sometimes useful and I can not marry to kill, but I’m still successful.



Biografija Virgil Thomson


Dne 14. maja 1940, sem prišel v New York, New York, in odraščal tam pobegniti iz Brown University v moji civilizacije v Ameriki, ki uhaja predmestju Westchester in S Foster Damon, štiri tisoč Great Virgil Thomson sem se naučil. Namesto da bi šel v Vietnam, se je vrnil in začel svoje šolanje v domačem kraju, najprej kot kritiki kulture v New Yorku, kasneje pa kot ustvarjalci, najprej na Univerzi Columbia, potem institucije vizualnih umetnosti in medijev. Vam ne morem obljubiti, da še naprej objavljala svoje delo, knjige, pesmi, drame, eseje in dokumente in širi svojo doktorsko disertacijo ali pogodbe za predstavitev in prikaz video trakovi in hologram po vsem svetu. To delo je bila sprejeta v ameriški zgodovini, literaturi in sodobne glasbe; Moja umetnost je označeno kritično kot “Oster” in “libertarno anarhist.” Samo živim sredi 1966-2010 in se preselil v RIDGEWOOD Queens, ki je bil zanimiv v zadnjih petih letih, kjer sem nekoč spal in delal čim manj od doma. Moj najljubši hobiji so plavanje in branje. Sonce se poskuša najti me včasih koristno in ne morem poročiti, da bi ubil, ampak jaz sem še vedno uspešna.



Biography Virgil Thomson


On 14 May 1940 I arrived in New York, New York, and grew up there to escape from Brown University in my civilization in America, escaping the suburbs of Westchester and S Foster Damon, four thousand Great Virgil Thomson I learned. Instead of going to Vietnam, he returned and began his education in his hometown, first as a critique of culture in New York, and later as creators, first at Columbia, then the institution of visual arts and media. I can not promise to continue to publicize their work, books, poems, plays, essays and papers and spreading his doctoral thesis or a contract for the presentation and display of video tapes and a hologram around the world. This work has been accepted in American history, literature and contemporary music; My art is marked as critical “edgy” and “libertarian anarchist.” Just I live in the middle of 1966-2010 and moved to Queens RIDGEWOOD, which was interesting in the last five years, where I once slept and worked as little as possible from home. My favorite hobbies are swimming and reading. Sun is trying to find me sometimes useful and I can not marry to kill, but I’m still a success.



Biografia Virgil Thomson


W dniu 14 maja 1940 roku przyjechałem do Nowego Jorku, Nowym Jorku, a wychował się tam, aby uciec z Brown University w moim cywilizacji w Ameryce, uciekając przedmieścia Westchester i S Foster Damon, cztery tysiące Wielkiej Virgil Thomson dowiedziałem. Zamiast iść do Wietnamu wrócił i zaczął naukę w swoim rodzinnym mieście, najpierw jako krytyka kultury w Nowym Jorku, a później jako twórców, najpierw w Kolumbii, a następnie instytucja sztuk wizualnych i mediów. Nie mogę obiecać, że nadal nagłośnić ich pracy, książki, wiersze, dramaty, eseje i papiery i rozprzestrzenia swoją rozprawę doktorską lub umowę na prezentacji i wyświetlania taśm wideo i hologram na całym świecie. Praca ta została przyjęta w amerykańskiej historii, literatury i muzyki współczesnej; Moja sztuka jest oznaczony jako krytyczny “kanciasty” i “libertariańskiej anarchista”. Tylko ja mieszkam w środku 1966-2010 i przeniósł się do Queens Ridgewood, co było ciekawe w ciągu ostatnich pięciu lat, w którym kiedyś spał i pracował w jak najmniejszym stopniu od domu. Moje ulubione hobby to pływanie i czytania. Sun próbuje znaleźć mi czasami przydatne i nie mogę ożenić się zabić, ale nadal jestem sukcesem.



Biography Virgil Thomson


On 14 May 1940 I came to New York, New York, and grew up there to escape from Brown University in my civilization in America, fleeing the suburbs of Westchester and S Foster Damon, four thousand United Virgil Thomson learned. Instead of going back to Vietnam and began teaching in his hometown, first as a cultural critic in New York and later as artists, first in Colombia and then the institution of visual arts and media. I can not promise that continues to publicize their work, books, poems, plays, essays and papers and spreading his doctoral thesis or a contract for the presentation and display of video tapes and hologram around the world. This work was accepted in American history, literature and contemporary music; My art is marked as critical, “edgy” and “libertarian anarchist.” Only I live in the middle of the 1966-2010 and moved to Queens Ridgewood, what was interesting in the past five years, he once slept and worked as little as possible from the house. My favorite hobbies are swimming and reading. Sun is trying to find me useful, and sometimes I can not marry to kill, but I’m still a success.