by Peter Horwath

My web-based and multi-channel video works concentrate on issues of identity, and psychic and emotional relations. I am interested in creating works that are linear in format but fractured in storytelling, culminating in video based narratives that are atmospheric investigations into states of being. I develop fragmented plotlines that weave layers of documentation – journal entries, sketches, written records, photographs, voiceover and music – into cinematic experiences, both on the web and in video installation. My video sequences are frequently suspended, disjunctive and blurred, distorting the viewers visual and emotional sense of place.

Technically, my work explores the possibilities of narration through multiple screens or pop-up windows, allowing for the reflection of numerous viewpoints simultaneously. In this manner, a story can be told from different locations and perspectives at once. Additional screens serve various purposes in my works: a second window can represent a secondary thought process, for example. Rather than a standardized cinematic structure, I feel this technique is more experiential for the viewer, and breaks down conventions of single screen representation. And instead of being didactic, the story telling becomes more complex and layered, allowing viewers to piece together the visually abstracted narrative for themselves.

I find this approach offers an experience that is truer to the method of human interpretation and perspective. By mimicking the frenetic structure of the thought process and breaking down the single screen history of cinema, I support the notion that we are multi-faceted beings by nature.