A short anthology
by Kenryo Hara

1 Tiger & Dragon

Tiger & Dragon …Left: Dragon / The figure of the dragon wearing a crown of needle to carve a tattoo. Right: Tiger / The figure of tiger wearing also a crown. Chinese ink and acrylic paint on cotton cloth. H240cm×W180cm each. Year: 2010.

2 Journey&Tarisman

Journey & Toutetsu-Mon …Left: Toutetsu-Mon / The figure of the demon face carved in bronze ware as a talisman. Right: Journey / A chariot (cart,)with flags displayed their tribal sighn. Chinese ink on paper. H380cm×W180cm each. Year: 2012.

3 RAINBOW ver.1

Rainbow …Form the body of dragon of the male and female are connected. Chinese ink on paper. H140cm×W210cm. Year: 2015.


Rashomon …It is the name of the gate which saves the people from the pangs of conscience on the old Buddhist narrative of Japan, ” Konjaku Monogatarishuu (31-volume collection of stories written during the late Heian period) ” Right: RA / The shape of the net to catch the bird. means all creation, all the universe. Center: SHO / The shape of lush plants from the earth. means Life, Live. Left: MON / The shape of the door on the left and right of the gate. Chinese ink on paper. H180cm×W485cm. Year: 2016.


Will of god …Left: God / The shape of the lightning. Right: Bright / Form of a round window above the altar and the shape of crescent. The will of god is coming down through this window. Chinese ink on paper. H180cm×W194cm. Year: 2016.

7 Corab with GEN ATEM

The fence / Collaborative work with Mr. Gen Atem. Chinese ink, Aqueous color ink, Acrylic paint on Cardboard. H200cm×W270cm. Year: 2013.


Respect …Form of offering Sake Cask with both hands under the ladder for God. Chinese ink on paper. H180cm×W180cm. Year: 2015.


Respect …Form of offering Sake Cask with both hands under the ladder for God. Chinese ink on cotton cloth. H120cm×W90cm. Year: 2012.


Life …The form of the plant is lush. Adding one of the Oracle bones script. It is a sentence that ancient people wish the rain to MIKADO.( = Absolute ruler over all Gods.) Chinese ink on paper. H180cm×W96cm. Year: 2016.


Learn, Study …A child in the sacred building which is given “??=Chi-Gi” (Giant sacred trees that intersect) on top of the roof by the hands of God. Chinese ink on paper. H90cm×W90cm. Year: 2012.


Goodness …Form of putting two things under the holy sheep. Goodness is the thing which God has chosen. Chinese ink on paper. H90cm×W90cm. Year: 2016.

13 Illusion

Illusion, Hallucination, Psychedelia …Yarn coming loose from a bunch will dazzle the people. Chinese ink on paper. H43cm×W35cm. Year: 2011.


Window …Form of a round window above the altar. Chinese ink on paper. H90cm×W90cm. Year: 2016.

15 GOD

God …The shape of the lightning. Chinese ink on paper. H35cm×W23cm. Year:2008.


Thunder …The shape of a giant cart wheel running over the clouds. Exhibited at the theater in Tokyo where I performed live performances. Chinese ink on cotton cloth. H170cm×W540cm. Year: 2008


Dragon …The figure of the dragon wearing a crown of needle to carve a tattoo. Exhibited at the theater in Tokyo where I performed live performances. Chinese ink on cotton cloth. H170cm×W480cm. Year: 2008.


Exhibited at the theater in Tokyo where I performed live performances. Year: 2011


Feast …Form that offering the meat on the altar by hand. Exhibited in the event “ORANGE 2015” in Montreal, Canada. Print enlarged. The size of the original W70cm×H110cm. Year: 2015.


Exhibition in the garden of the theater after my live performance in Karuizawa, Nagano prefecture. Chinese ink on cotton cloth. H400cm×W170cm each. Year: 2012~2013.


Exhibition in the garden of the theater after my live performance in Karuizawa, Nagano prefecture. Chinese ink on cotton cloth. H400cm×W170cm each. Year: 2012~2013.

22 Hoh-To 1

Live performance “Great ambitions” in Tokyo. Year: 2008.

23 Hoh-To 2

Live performance “To Heaven, Earth, and Human” in Tokyo. Year: 2011.

Zusho-Mosaic ( Iconography of ancient China ) Iconography of Yin, Zhou Dynasty. The meaning they have not been deciphered. Chinese ink on paper. H270cm×W270cm. Year: 2011.

Live performance “Creation” in Tokyo. Year: 2012.


Live performance “Under The Blossoming Cherry Trees” in Karuizawa, Nagano prefecture. Year: 2013.