DISTANCE & NEARNESS bridges the gap of time space and distance in an exhibition created out of the International Frag Exchanges of members of GLOBAL ART PROJECT, a group of 75 working artists operating in 17 countries collaborating toward the creation of new works and opportunities within and outside of the traditional gallery-museum system in artist generated actions.
Member Sandra Bastida originated the idea of DISTANCE & NEARNESS and is facilitating the organization of this exercise in Patagonia region of Argentina:
House of Culture
Undersecretary of Culture of the Municipality of Puerto Madryn
Eliana Laino.
Street: Roque Saenz Peña 86
Postal Code: 9120
Puerto Madryn
CHUBUT, Argentina
Carl Heyward USA
Ale Feijó Argentina
Mikel Frank USA
Nancy Perry USA
Helene Öfwerstown Suecia
Katheen Bertolucci USA
Phoenix Savage USA
Marino Rossetti Italia
Mar Daines Francia
Antoinette Ellis Williams USA
Tina Morris UK
Madelaine Wories USA
Collen Giantiempo USA
Linda Coppens España
Salma Arastu. Los Angeles USA
Michael Schemchuk USA
Tery Dryden USA
Lyn Arnlod USA
Glend Roger México
Akiko Suzuki USA
Usha SHukla India
Helen Cohen Usa
William Jaggers Usa
Isabel Ruiz Perdiguero España
Sandee Johnson USA
Jennifer Perlmutter USA
Sandra Bastida Argentina
Additionally GAP member Ale Feijo of Argentina will follow the exhibition in parallel in virtual format at @ale.feijo.artgallery on instagram