Utsanga.it is partner of the 2024 edition of the Portuguese sound poetry festival “Fonovoz” curated by Manuel Portela & Rui Torres



 Curadores | Curators Manuel Portela & Rui Torres

PHONOVOICE: Sound Poetry Meetings

The term “sound poetry” encompasses a broad spectrum of practices, ranging from the Futurist and Dadaist phonetic poetry of the early 20th century to electronic sound poetry of the early 21st century. In its beginnings, it was the alphabetic notation itself that supported the permutation of sounds of the human voice beyond the infrastructure of words and language. With the invention of magnetic tape and later the digital computer, the manipulation of the acoustic properties of the voice through recording expanded expressive possibilities. Furthermore, experimentation with the body’s capabilities of articulation and sound emission gave rise to unique performative techniques. This historical intersection between writing, media technologies, and vocal practices has resulted in a profusion of genres and forms of sound poetry, some of which are closer to the arts of music than to the arts of language.

The PHONOVOICE meetings present a sample of contemporary sound poetry in which both the formal and technical diversity and the creative force of this artistic and literary practice are recognized. PHONOVOICE takes the tension between pre-linguistic, linguistic, and post-linguistic as a curatorial criterion. If sound poetry can be described as a way of using and listening to the voice beyond its differential articulation into signs, this purely acoustic perception is intensified by the recognition of the fragmentary and decomposed presence of the word. It is about focusing our attention on this oscillation between phonographic perception and vocal perception, which allows us to listen to the sounds of language and the sounds of the voice simultaneously. Sound poetry offers us an art of language as an emerging process of the human body’s phonating machine. It is this machine in action that the invited artists will allow us to see and hear in live performance.


16h – 23h > FonoVoz | PhonoVoice: AudioBox – Ficheiros áudio (tbd) representativos de obras de poesia sonora

16h30 – 17h > FonoVoz | PhonoVoice: VideoBox – Visualização em grande ecrã de vídeos (tbd) representativos de performances de poesia sonora

17h – 18h30 > Manuel Portela, Rui Torres, Kinga Tóth, Alfredo Costa Monteiro


 21h – 22h > Kinga Tóth (Hungria, 1983)

 22h – 23h > Alfredo Costa Monteiro (Portugal, 1964)


16h – 23h > FonoVoz | PhonoVoice: AudioBox – Ficheiros áudio (tbd) representativos de obras de poesia sonora

16h30 – 17h > FonoVoz | PhonoVoice: VideoBox – Visualização em grande ecrã de vídeos (tbd) representativos de performances de poesia sonora 

17h – 18h30 > Manuel Portela, Rui Torres, Jörg Piringer, Cia Rinne


21h – 22h > Jörg Piringer (Áustria, 1974)

22h – 23h > Cia Rinne (Suécia, 1973)